Sabnzbd Broke after updating to 0.7.11..

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Posts: 20
Joined: December 19th, 2008, 3:10 pm

Sabnzbd Broke after updating to 0.7.11..

Post by tbird2340 »

Update to 0.7.11 today.. Now after a reboot Sabnzbd crashes.. The Sabnzbd.exe.log shows the content below.. Strange thing is I can launch it fine after the initial crash.. On W7 x64.. Thanks

Exception in thread HTTPServer Thread-10:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "threading.pyo", line 488, in __bootstrap_inner
File "threading.pyo", line 448, in run
File "cherrypy\process\servers.pyo", line 75, in _start_http_thread
File "cherrypy\wsgiserver\__init__.pyo", line 1644, in start
error: (10049, "Can't assign requested address")

Exception in thread HTTPServer Thread-11:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "threading.pyo", line 488, in __bootstrap_inner
File "threading.pyo", line 448, in run
File "cherrypy\process\servers.pyo", line 75, in _start_http_thread
File "cherrypy\wsgiserver\__init__.pyo", line 1644, in start
error: (10049, "Can't assign requested address")
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Release Testers
Release Testers
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Joined: January 22nd, 2008, 2:22 pm

Re: Sabnzbd Broke after updating to 0.7.11..

Post by sander »

Cause: you've probably put an address other than, localhost or (or :: or ::1) in your 'host' setting in SABnzbd / sabnzbd.ini. You should not do that, unless you really know what you're doing and know everything about multi-IP/multi-interface systems.

1) find sabnzbd.ini, open it for editing, find first occurence of 'host', and change it to Save and exit, and start sabnzbd
2) start sabnzbd with command parameter for listening host. "sabnzbd-console.exe -s"
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