categories not working?

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categories not working?

Post by maussimo010 »

system: Mac mini running Mavericks
latest version of SAB
index site:

I have read forums on this site and various other sites such as, and a few others, yet I can find a solution to my problem.

I am simply trying to get SAB to place movies in the movies folder, and tv shows in the tv shows folder...can this be done if is my index site? does it support categories? Im pretty sure I am doing everything correctly and that my settings are right...they just aren't going where I want them to when they're done downloading.
here is a screenshot:

does this look right? am i missing something obvious? Please, oh please don't ask me to consult the wiki...i PROMISE i've read it; it just doest make a lot of sense to me, thats all...

thanks so much in advance!

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Re: categories not working?

Post by Eejit »

NZBs(dot)ORG is a Newznab index site so will work fine.
How is SAB getting the nzb's? Via the NZBS RSS feed or via a watched folder? The NZB doesn't contain category information so you need to tell SAB what the NZB is.
This can be done by placing the nzb in a sub folder of your watched folder that matches your category ie Watched>movies or Watched>tvshows
Alternatively, SAB can read the RSS feeds (and category) of NZBs(dot)ORG and automatically pick up anything that is in your cart.

Finally, change your Groups/Indexer tags in SAB Config from movies to movies* and tv to tv*

Hope this helps
Eejit - The name say's it all !!
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Re: categories not working?

Post by maussimo010 »

My SAB is getting NZB files either from me adding them directly from using the linked API, or it gets them from using the thingy from my profile, where I have certain shows favorited on and SAB automatically grabs my fave from sab whenever a new episode is posted

I changed my tags and added the '*' as you stated they should be.

I have NOT tried using the RSS feeds because i am not quite sure how they work, despite reading the wiki, and also reading feeds daily using netnewswire for mac.

The concept of the sub folders makes sense to me, but how/where do i set them up on my mac mini's SAB, then where do i create them specifically on my mac minis hard drive so that SAB can find them? I thought that there was only one folder available to be watched, which is the one marked 'watched folder' in the folders page of SAB that is usually /downloads by default?
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