I have a simple powershell script that movies all files/folder from one point to another directory.
I call it through a batch file. These are the contents:
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& 'C:\SB\autoProcessTV\script.ps1'"
ls "M:\Incoming" | % { move -Path $_.FullName -Destination "M:\Movies"}
Yet, for some unknown reason, even after moving all files/folders successfully, the script keeps running and Sab wont stop.
What's going on?
Powershell Script stuck in Post-Processing
Re: Powershell Script stuck in Post-Processing
You should only need the following in your batch file to run the script.
Is M:\ a physical drive, or a mapped share?
Code: Select all
PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass "C:\SB\autoProcessTV\script.ps1"