This windows script basically takes a downloaded x264 encoded HD .mkv file and turns it into an Xbox 360 compatible .mp4 (Video is untouched & re-contained and Audio is re-encoded to AAC stereo for 360 compatibility)
You will need XenonMkv installed and configured for this to work. Go here for Xenonmkv
cd /d %1
if exist *sample*.mkv del *sample*.mkv
ren *.mkv input.mkv
move input.mkv d:\
cd /d c:\program files\xenonmkv\
XenonMKV.exe -inputfile d:\input.mkv -outputfolder d:\
cd /d d:\
if exist input*1.mp4 ren input*1.mp4 %3-1.mp4
if exist input*2.mp4 ren input*2.mp4 %3-2.mp4
if exist input.mp4 ren input.mp4 %3.mp4
move d:\*.mp4 "d:\HD Movies"
del d:\input.mkv
cd /d d:\!completed
rd /s /q %1
Just tweak the output folders etc accordingly to suit your needs.
Hope this helps someone out.
Convert an x264 .mkv to an Xbox360 Compatible .mp4
Re: Convert an x264 .mkv to an Xbox360 Compatible .mp4
There is actually very little to configure within Xenonmkv as the default options work just fine. The only options you may need to tweak are temp folder locations etc within the GUI. Xenonmkv also requires that .NET framework 2 is installed.
From experience, Xenonmkv works better than an equivalent piece of software called Gotsent. (Which also re-contains video and re-encodes audio for 360 compatible mp4 movies)
One other limitiation of mp4's with the 360 is that there is a 4GB max file size limitation so if you put a 9GB mkv through Xenonmkv it will turn out 2 mp4 files (Part 1 and 2 of the movie). The script accounts for this.
Hope this helps.
From experience, Xenonmkv works better than an equivalent piece of software called Gotsent. (Which also re-contains video and re-encodes audio for 360 compatible mp4 movies)
One other limitiation of mp4's with the 360 is that there is a 4GB max file size limitation so if you put a 9GB mkv through Xenonmkv it will turn out 2 mp4 files (Part 1 and 2 of the movie). The script accounts for this.
Hope this helps.
Re: Convert an x264 .mkv to an Xbox360 Compatible .mp4
This interests me as I have already made a script like this which is converting my divx tv shows into mp4 ipod video for my iphone. I am interested in now converting my MKVs for Xbox. Issue is mp4's can't be played via media centre, only WMV video. I understand that converting from MKV to MP4 doesn't really encode the video as you are just switching the containers. Where as I understand converting to WMV is a little more hassle. Anyone seen a command line way to convert to a WMV HD format? or VC-1 ?
Re: Convert an x264 .mkv to an Xbox360 Compatible .mp4
Thanx for this script, i have got this working, but have noticed that when all complete the file is named input.mp4 is there anyway to keep the original filename? as it was downloaded? also can someone help me when this operation is complete i want the file to be moved onto my NAS drive where i will have a folder called converted eg. Z:\Downloads\Converted is where i want all converted files to end up
Sorry for the noob questions but have no experience in scripting, so thanks in advance
Sorry for the noob questions but have no experience in scripting, so thanks in advance
Re: Convert an x264 .mkv to an Xbox360 Compatible .mp4
I have one that almost always works for me running on Linux. You'll need to compile ffmpeg with the x264 codec enabled:
Then there is the email script:### Transcode 720p H264 mkv files for the xbox 360
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename"
exit 0
# Wait while any other ffmpeg processes are running
while [ -n "$(ps -ef | egrep "ffmpeg|HandBrakeCLI" | grep -v grep)" ];
echo -e "\n[$(date +%b\ %d\ %Y:\ %H:%M:%S)]\nFound another instance of HandBrake or ffmpeg running, pausing 5 minutes..."
sleep 300
# Get the beginning time from the date cmd.
START=$(date +%D\ %T)
# Email us that the next process has begun
echo -e "About to start transcoding $1 at $START" > /tmp/emailmessage.txt
# ffmpeg cmd
ffmpeg -y -i $1 -threads 2 -s 1280x720 -aspect 1280:720 -r ntsc-film -vcodec libx264 -g 150 -qmin 8 -b 4500k -level 31 -loop 1 -sc_threshold 40 -partp4x4 1 -rc_eq 'blurCplx^(1-qComp)' -refs 2 -qmax 51 -maxrate 4500k -bf 1 -keyint_min 40 -async 1 -acodec libfaac -ar 48000 -ac 2 -ab 384k $1.m4v
# Get the ending time of the transcode process from the date cmd.
END=$(date +%D\ %T)
# Inform us with an email that transcoding is completed
echo "Transcoding of $1 was started on $START and completed on $END." > /tmp/emailmessage.txt
# Move the original mkv file to the backup at /mkvs
mv -v $1 /mkvs
# Determine the appropriate place to move the file and do so
/usr/local/bin/ $1.m4v
exit 0
and finally!/bin/bash
EMAILMESSAGE=`cat /tmp/emailmessage.txt`
DATE=`date +%A\ %B,\ %d\ %Y\ %r`
SUBJECT="Lunchbox notification: $(date +%A\ %B,\ %d\ %Y\ %r)"
#send an email using /bin/mail
echo $EMAILMESSAGE | /usr/bin/mail -a "From: Lunchbox " -s "$SUBJECT" [email protected]
#remove the old file, will this prevent duplicates from fsniper?
rm /tmp/emailmessage.txt
# Jay Holler 09-10-2009
# Find *.m4v files in the Downloads directory and move them to
# the appropriate folder on the NFS share
cd /home/jayholler/Downloads
for i in *.m4v
if [[ "$myFile" =~ ([A-Za-z0-9\.]*)\.(S..E..).m4v ]] ; then
ShowName=$(echo $PreShowName | sed 's/\./ /g')
echo "[*] A new episode of $ShowName is ready for your enjoyment in HD!: $File" > /tmp/emailmessage.txt && sleep 2
[ -d "$storageDir/$ShowName" ] || mkdir -v "$storageDir/$ShowName"
mv -v $myFile "$storageDir/$ShowName/$File"
wget http://localhost:49153/web/ushare.cgi?action=refresh -o /dev/null -P /dev/null
echo "[+] $myFile does not match our TV shows, pushing it to /storage/HD Movies on lunchbox" > /tmp/emailmessage.txt
mv -v "$myFile" /storage/HD\ Movies/$myFile
exit 0
- Newbie
- Posts: 11
- Joined: January 31st, 2010, 1:09 pm
Re: Convert an x264 .mkv to an Xbox360 Compatible .mp4
your script is way more complex then it needs to be, not sure why you are renaming the input files and all that.. here is what i use that works perfectly (xenonmkv.exe needs to be in the path):
cd /d %1
del *sample*.*
del *.srr
del *.srt
del *.nfo
del *.nzb
IF EXIST *.mkv XenonMKV.exe -inputfolder %1 -outputfolder %1
cd /d %1
IF EXIST *.mp4 del *.mkv
ideally i wouldnt be using *.mp4 and *.mkv, havent gotten around to fixing that yet, works fine as is for me anyway. also, remove the del *.'s if you want
cd /d %1
del *sample*.*
del *.srr
del *.srt
del *.nfo
del *.nzb
IF EXIST *.mkv XenonMKV.exe -inputfolder %1 -outputfolder %1
cd /d %1
IF EXIST *.mp4 del *.mkv
ideally i wouldnt be using *.mp4 and *.mkv, havent gotten around to fixing that yet, works fine as is for me anyway. also, remove the del *.'s if you want
Last edited by OneStepAhead on April 13th, 2010, 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Newbie
- Posts: 3
- Joined: August 8th, 2010, 11:07 pm
Re: Convert an x264 .mkv to an Xbox360 Compatible .mp4
How do you get around Win 7 UAC popping up every time the script tries to launch xenonmkv? I've gone into the properties section and checked off "Run this program as admin" also did the same in the compatibility for all users section and still nothing.
Re: Convert an x264 .mkv to an Xbox360 Compatible .mp4
I'm using the last script posted by OneStepAhead (Thanks!) but I'm not too clued up on my batch files anymore!
I'm wanting to move the converted file to my NAS on Drive T:\ once the XenonMKV Script has run.
Any idea how I could do that?
I'm wanting to move the converted file to my NAS on Drive T:\ once the XenonMKV Script has run.
Any idea how I could do that?
Last edited by soopahfly on December 15th, 2010, 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Convert an x264 .mkv to an Xbox360 Compatible .mp4
I made a simple script to put in sabnzb's script directory. It's simple and has worked for all of my downloaded mkv's so far, just edit to suit your requirements. You can change to .mp4 if you want, just that for me ushare doesn't like mp4 extensions.
# script to convert an mkv to m4v
# Tools needed: mkvtoolnix, ffmpeg, normalize, neroaac (or faac), MP4Box (gpac).
cd "$1"
i=`ls *.mkv`
filename=`basename "$i" .mkv`
fps=`mkvinfo "$filename".mkv|grep "Default duration"|head -n 1|cut -d'(' -f2|cut -c 1-6`
#sfreq=`mkvinfo "$filename".mkv|grep "Sampling frequency"|head -n 1|cut -d':' -f2|cut -c 2-6`
mkvextract tracks "$filename".mkv 1:video.h264 > /dev/null
ffmpeg -i "$filename".mkv -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 audio.wav > /dev/null
normalize-audio -q audio.wav
#faac -c $sfreq audio.wav
neroAacEnc -br 128000 -lc -if audio.wav -of audio.aac > /dev/null
MP4Box -quiet -fps $fps -add video.h264 -add audio.aac "$filename".m4v
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
rm audio.aac audio.wav video.h264 *.nfo
mv "$filename".mkv /data2/downloads/sabnzbd/mkv_storage/
#killall -HUP ushare
Here's a modified one i made for use as command line.
# script to convert an mkv to m4v
if [ "$1" -a "$2" ];
filename=`basename "$1" .mkv`
fps=`mkvinfo "$filename".mkv|grep "Default duration"|head -n 1|cut -d'(' -f2|cut -c 1-6`
#sfreq=`mkvinfo "$filename".mkv|grep "Sampling frequency"|head -n 1|cut -d':' -f2|cut -c 2-6`
mkvextract tracks "$filename".mkv 1:video.h264
ffmpeg -i "$filename".mkv -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 audio.wav
normalize-audio audio.wav
#faac -c $sfreq audio.wav
neroAacEnc -br $2 -lc -if audio.wav -of audio.aac
MP4Box -fps $fps -add video.h264 -add audio.aac "$filename".m4v
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
rm audio.aac audio.wav video.h264
echo "All Done!"
echo "Usage: {filename} {target audio bitrate (eg: 128000)}"
# script to convert an mkv to m4v
# Tools needed: mkvtoolnix, ffmpeg, normalize, neroaac (or faac), MP4Box (gpac).
cd "$1"
i=`ls *.mkv`
filename=`basename "$i" .mkv`
fps=`mkvinfo "$filename".mkv|grep "Default duration"|head -n 1|cut -d'(' -f2|cut -c 1-6`
#sfreq=`mkvinfo "$filename".mkv|grep "Sampling frequency"|head -n 1|cut -d':' -f2|cut -c 2-6`
mkvextract tracks "$filename".mkv 1:video.h264 > /dev/null
ffmpeg -i "$filename".mkv -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 audio.wav > /dev/null
normalize-audio -q audio.wav
#faac -c $sfreq audio.wav
neroAacEnc -br 128000 -lc -if audio.wav -of audio.aac > /dev/null
MP4Box -quiet -fps $fps -add video.h264 -add audio.aac "$filename".m4v
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
rm audio.aac audio.wav video.h264 *.nfo
mv "$filename".mkv /data2/downloads/sabnzbd/mkv_storage/
#killall -HUP ushare
Here's a modified one i made for use as command line.
# script to convert an mkv to m4v
if [ "$1" -a "$2" ];
filename=`basename "$1" .mkv`
fps=`mkvinfo "$filename".mkv|grep "Default duration"|head -n 1|cut -d'(' -f2|cut -c 1-6`
#sfreq=`mkvinfo "$filename".mkv|grep "Sampling frequency"|head -n 1|cut -d':' -f2|cut -c 2-6`
mkvextract tracks "$filename".mkv 1:video.h264
ffmpeg -i "$filename".mkv -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 audio.wav
normalize-audio audio.wav
#faac -c $sfreq audio.wav
neroAacEnc -br $2 -lc -if audio.wav -of audio.aac
MP4Box -fps $fps -add video.h264 -add audio.aac "$filename".m4v
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
rm audio.aac audio.wav video.h264
echo "All Done!"
echo "Usage: {filename} {target audio bitrate (eg: 128000)}"
Re: Convert an x264 .mkv to an Xbox360 Compatible .mp4
Thanks! great script it works for both pal and ntsc files
Last edited by sonicman on May 24th, 2011, 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.