Linux - Disk error on creating file [QNAP]

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Linux - Disk error on creating file [QNAP]

Post by jeffwscott »

ERROR::[assembler:100] Disk error on creating file /home/qnap/incomplete/Escape.Plan.2013.MULTi.1080p.BluRay.x264-LOST.cp(tt1211956)/a5237a24b6ec9cf2b3ce3d7a0afe9bb3.85

Goggling this error brings up a bunch of results for Windows users running into file/path length issues. But I am running this on a Linux system.
The biggest issue here is that it pauses the queue when it encounters this error. If I unpause the queue the download finishes fine.

Can anyone please help me figure out with what might be the issue?
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Re: Linux - Disk error on creating file [QNAP]

Post by sander »

"Disk error on creating file" says what the problem is.

Occured once, or often?
What kind of filesystem is on the disk /home/qnap/incomplete/
Only if there is a '(', or also with plain names?
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