I use this powershell I found. Change extension to required one.
# AUTHOR : Marius @ Hican -
http://www.hican.nl - @hicannl
# DATE : 23-04-2012
# COMMENT : This script renames all .mkv files to the
# name of the .mkv parent folder recursively,
# extended with an increasing number.
# Put the script in the root of the folders'
# parent folder.
# NOTE: This script can also be used for renaming
# other / multiple files, just adjust the filter!
$path = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
Function renameFiles
# Loop through all directories
$dirs = dir $path -Recurse | Where { $_.psIsContainer -eq $true }
Foreach ($dir In $dirs)
# Set default value for addition to file name
$i = 1
$newdir = $dir.name + "_"
# Search for the files set in the filter (*.mkv in this case)
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $dir.fullname -Filter *.mkv -Recurse
Foreach ($file In $files)
# Check if a file exists
If ($file)
# Split the name and rename it to the parent folder
$split = $file.name.split(".mkv")
$replace = $split[0] -Replace $split[0],($newdir + $i + ".mkv")
# Trim spaces and rename the file
$image_string = $file.fullname.ToString().Trim()
"$split[0] renamed to $replace"
Rename-Item "$image_string" "$replace"