No IPv6 on OpenSUSE 11.1

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No IPv6 on OpenSUSE 11.1

Post by niwde »


Just installed OpenSUSE 11.1 on my system since the upgrade from 11.0 did not work well. On 11.0 sabnzbd worked without problem, but now on 11.1 I cannot get it to connect on IPv6. I have IPv6 enabled and have a tunnel running to do IPv6-in-IPv4. I can also ping6 and browse all IPv6-destinations. But as soon as I start the sabnzbd python script it outputs:

Code: Select all

2008-12-24 14:36:37,024::INFO::[downloader] [email protected]:119: Initiating connection
2008-12-24 14:36:37,059::ERROR::[newswrapper] Failed to connect: getsockaddrarg: bad family [email protected]:119
2008-12-24 14:36:37,059::ERROR::[downloader] Failed to initialize [email protected]:119
2008-12-24 14:36:37,060::WARNING::[downloader] Thread [email protected]:119: failed to initialize
sabnzbd version was 0.4.5 and I tried with the new 0.4.6; python on OpenSUSE 11.1 is version 2.6.0-2.16.
I looked into adding some other python stuff but that did not help. Does anyone have some suggestions on how to troubleshoot and correct this issue?

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Re: No IPv6 on OpenSUSE 11.1

Post by shypike »

Can you ping the address ?

What happens if you use the numerical IP address?
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Re: No IPv6 on OpenSUSE 11.1

Post by sander »

So you can visit

Can you fill out as newsserver, and report back what happens?

Can you fill out as newsserver, and report back what happens?

Can you access http://[::1]:8080/sabnzbd/ ? NB: you have to fill out as listening host ("Host SABnzbd should listen on.").
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Re: No IPv6 on OpenSUSE 11.1

Post by devz3ro »

I recommend sticking with 11.0 until all the bugs get ironed out in 11.1

openSUSE 11.1 has an ass load of bugs. As a Christmas present to myself I bought two of the Seagate 1.5tb drives. I wanted to setup a software raid 0 array with openSUSE 11.1 (I already had 11.0 working with 2x250gb drives). Needless to say I ran into all kinds of problems, which lead me to believe the drives themselves were failing (because of their notorious reputation). Looked up my firmware and it was the latest, so there wasn't anything I could do about that. Went to SUSE's forums and saw all the normal posts with everyone complaining about a newly released *free* Linux distribution. Instead of adding to it, I decided to go back to 11.0 and just install all the updates. Everything worked without a hitch.

I also run ipv6 on openSUSE, specifically for psybnc on the efnet irc network. Although I never got far enough to test it on 11.1 I would like to take a look at your configuration.

Here is mine and the steps I go through to get everything working:

I login as root and run the following commands

modprobe sit

Then I run a shell script ( - chmodded to 755) I wrote to configure the interface, the tunnel being the ipv4 address

ifconfig sit0 up
ifconfig sit0 inet6 tunnel ::XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
ifconfig sit1 up
ifconfig sit1 inet6 add 2001:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:0000:0000:0000:000X/127
ifconfig sit1 inet6 add 2001:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:0000:0000:0000:000X/127
ifconfig sit1 inet6 add 2001:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:0000:0000:0000:000X/127
ifconfig sit1 inet6 add 2001:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:0000:0000:0000:000X/127
ifconfig sit1 inet6 add 2001:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:0000:0000:0000:000X/127
route -A inet6 add ::/0 dev sit1

if your configuration doesn't look anything like this, try it out (with your details of course) then try to ping
Last edited by devz3ro on December 25th, 2008, 3:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: No IPv6 on OpenSUSE 11.1

Post by niwde »

Hi back again from the christmas holidays  ;)

Yes I can ping and browse

Code: Select all

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2001:4de0:1::1:1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=60 time=16.9 ms
I tried using the numerical server address but still the same error. Same errors when using or
http://[::1]:8080/sabnzbd doesn't show the webinterface although I did set it to
When I set it to ipv6-localhost a similar error shows up:

Code: Select all

Exception in thread CPHTTPServer Thread-8:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 522, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 477, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "/home/wedwindv/sabnzbd/cherrypy/", line 114, in _start_http
  File "/home/wedwindv/sabnzbd/cherrypy/", line 370, in start
    raise socket.error, msg
error: getsockaddrarg: bad family
For what it's worth, I use aiccu to setup the AYIYA tunnel.
On another system (not mine) I did an upgrade from OpenSUSE 11.0 to 11.1 and SABnzbd works without any hassle. The exact same setup is used for the tunnel.
I guess this problem has something to do with the TCP/IP stack of OpenSUSE 11.1 or some security setting. Running the python script as root also doesn't help either.
Python is version 2.6.0-2.16; I can't say whether they built the package with IPv6 support, although I feel it has something to do with this...

Last edited by niwde on January 5th, 2009, 4:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: No IPv6 on OpenSUSE 11.1

Post by sander »

niwde wrote:
Python is version 2.6.0-2.16; I can't say whether they built the package with IPv6 support, although I feel it has something to do with this...
Exactly what I was thinking. Check the python version of the other OpenSuSE 11.1 installation.
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Re: No IPv6 on OpenSUSE 11.1

Post by sander »

I'm running OpenSuSE 11.1 in VirtualBox to see what results I get. First bump: how do I install cheetah (or python-cheetah)? Yast can't find it.

Or is there a OpenSuSE equivalent of this handy Ubuntu command to install all dependencies: "sudo apt-get install python python-cherrypy python-cheetah python-elementtree python-yenc python-celementtree python-feedparser unrar unzip par2 python-openssl"
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Re: No IPv6 on OpenSUSE 11.1

Post by niwde »


I was wrong in saying that on the upgraded installation ipv6 connections were okay, because they are not! Now it really starts to be an OpenSUSE 11.1-only problem.
For the installation of SABnzbd on a fresh OpenSUSE 11.1 I make sure you have installed the following packages (needed repositories):

- par2cmdline (
- python-feedparser (
- python-cheetah ( ... nSUSE_11.1)
- unrar, unzip, python-openssl
- yenc
  Before compiling make sure you have the following packages
  - python-devel
  - wget
  - tar xzvf yenc-0.3.tar.gz
  - cd yenc-0.3
  - python build
  - sudo python install

All steps performed through YaST2 but yenc obviously.

I am quite hesistant to try and install the older python or compile from source on my system without screwing something else up. If you, sander, could maybe try installing an older python or compile from source with ipv6 flag active in your Vbox installation, many thanks!
Last edited by niwde on January 5th, 2009, 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: No IPv6 on OpenSUSE 11.1

Post by sander »

niwde wrote: Hi,

I was wrong in saying that on the upgraded installation ipv6 connections were okay, because they are not! Now it really starts to be an OpenSUSE 11.1-only problem.
So: Python 2.6 with IPv6 problem.

Interesting. Has SABnzbd succesfully been used with Python 2.6 on a any other OS?
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Re: No IPv6 on OpenSUSE 11.1

Post by sander »

niwde wrote:
For the installation of SABnzbd on a fresh OpenSUSE 11.1 I make sure you have installed the following packages (needed repositories):

- par2cmdline (
- python-feedparser (
- python-cheetah ( ... nSUSE_11.1)
- unrar, unzip, python-openssl
- yenc
  Before compiling make sure you have the following packages
  - python-devel
  - wget
  - tar xzvf yenc-0.3.tar.gz
  - cd yenc-0.3
  - python build
  - sudo python install

All steps performed through YaST2 but yenc obviously.

I am quite hesistant to try and install the older python or compile from source on my system without screwing something else up. If you, sander, could maybe try installing an older python or compile from source with ipv6 flag active in your Vbox installation, many thanks!
Pffff ... much too difficult for me.
On my Ubuntu it's just one line to install all dependencies..

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Re: No IPv6 on OpenSUSE 11.1

Post by Gfy »

I used this install guide. Not that difficult. ... 27-sabnzbd

I have the same problem with OpenSUSE 11.2. Here is the bug report:
It is fixed, but it's not available in the latest updates.

You can get the correct rpm's here: ... 11.2/i586/
I grabbed them all and entered the following and it works:
# rpm -F *.rpm
warning: libpython2_6-1_0-2.6.5-18.1.i586.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID edf0d733

edit: other guide: ... ie-sabnzbd
Last edited by Gfy on September 9th, 2010, 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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