Do you experience problems during downloading?
Check your connection in Status and Interface settings window.
Use Test Server in Config > Servers.
We will probably ask you to do a test using only basic settings.
Do you experience problems during repair or unpacking?
Enable +Debug logging in the Status and Interface settings window and share the relevant parts of the log here using [ code ] sections.
Is your Raspi connected to a screen, keyboard and mouse, and can you physically log on? If so: start a webbrowser on the Raspi, and change the SAB settings.
If not:
First stop SABnzbd (with a kill -9), then start it with "sabnzbdplus -s". You can then access SAB from a remote system.
sander wrote:Is your Raspi connected to a screen, keyboard and mouse, and can you physically log on? If so: start a webbrowser on the Raspi, and change the SAB settings.
If not:
First stop SABnzbd (with a kill -9), then start it with "sabnzbdplus -s". You can then access SAB from a remote system.
If you have Raspbian and you have sabnzbd/sabnzbdplus installed, you should have sabnzbdplus in your path and and you should have /etc/default/sabnzbdplus.
So I'm puzzled. You could reinstall, but that is the Windows Way, so not something I would do on Linux at one; I would first try to find out what is going on.
How did you install sabnzbd? Via a plain "sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus"?
sander wrote:If you have Raspbian and you have sabnzbd/sabnzbdplus installed, you should have sabnzbdplus in your path and and you should have /etc/default/sabnzbdplus.
So I'm puzzled. You could reinstall, but that is the Windows Way, so not something I would do on Linux at one; I would first try to find out what is going on.
How did you install sabnzbd? Via a plain "sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus"?
I set this up ages ago following a guide on the net and I think it was installed with apt-get, yes.
My raspberry pi did run out of space a while ago so I emptied out the complete and incomplete folder of sabnzbd, not sure if that stuffed something up.
For my limited knowledge of linux, using the top command shows SABnzbd running, I changed no other settings.