I have some big download packages, and sabnzbd. crashes every one to two days, and all I get in my Windows eventlog is the following entry:
"Fehlgeschlagene Anwendung SABnzbd.exe, Version, fehlgeschlagenes Modul _yenc.pyd, Version, Fehleradresse 0x000019e7."
It's a German Windows installation, but the error message should be clear enough anyway.
Two questions:
1.) Why does this happen?
2.) Is it possible to have some kind of watchdog to restart Sabnzbd when such a crash occurs? I have a small bandwidth connection, and when this happens over night, I lose many hours of valueable download time, which is totally annoying
Sabnzbd 0.7.20 crashes in module _yend.pyd [Windows]
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- Are you using the latest stable version of SABnzbd? Downloads page.
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- Do you experience problems during downloading?
Check your connection in Status and Interface settings window.
Use Test Server in Config > Servers.
We will probably ask you to do a test using only basic settings. - Do you experience problems during repair or unpacking?
Enable +Debug logging in the Status and Interface settings window and share the relevant parts of the log here using [ code ] sections.
Re: Sabnzbd 0.7.20 crashes in module _yend.pyd [Windows]
Probably better to join and post in http://forums.sabnzbd.org/viewtopic.php?t=14972: same subject.