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Re: Downloader keeps crashing

Posted: July 17th, 2012, 1:03 pm
by rickatnight11
shypike wrote:The content is bizarre and so far I have no explanation.
The counter for the giganews server is "\r\n" instead of a number.
This is what makes the code crash.
I have just added parameter validation to the code that reads totals9.sab from disk.
That solves the crash but will not solve the root cause.

For you the work-around is to stop SABnzbd, remove the totals9.sab file and start again.
This will destroy your byte counters though.

I'm completely puzzled about what the cause is, but I'll try to find it.
Awesome, that fixed it, and I'm downloading now. Let me know, if I can provide anything else.

Re: Downloader keeps crashing

Posted: July 17th, 2012, 1:34 pm
by shypike
I'll add the validation to 0.7.2, that will at least allow automatic recovery from bad data.
You do have to realize that once you go over the max file limit all sorts of
things will go wrong, including SABnzbd's behaviour.
Although, I doubt whether this particular corruption is caused by it.