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shypike wrote:
maybe there could be a mechanism in wich SAB ignores par3-files or cancels the download?
How does SABnzbd currently act on this?
Can you email an example NZB to [email protected] ?
I've sent a NZB to you containing a DVD with pa3 as par files.
As all rar files were available on the server, SAB did not complain as no par / pa3 files were needed.
I've created a crippled NZB from the same NZB, with a few article id's replaced by non-existing article id's ... that should trigger SAB to use the par files, shoudn't it?
FIrst result from crippled NZB: "Download might fail, only 100.0% of required 101.0% available " ... ah ... pre-checking at work ...
SABnzbd unpacks properly when all rars are intact.
If not, you'll get a CRC error.
In all cases the pa3 files remain available
Par3 support is a dubious matter because the multipar author keeps
publishing new versions for non-compatible par3 formats.
And says that the format isn't final.
Of course that doesn't stop some fools from using it.