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Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 6:39 pm
by rollingeyeball
All I can say is excellent progress :D

Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 10:32 pm
by qrb123
Will have to try this out!!!  I am now fine with the conf file, but this will make things simple for my wife to add with out asking me!!!

This app is a 100% cable/sat killer.

Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 10:34 pm
by kierse
qrb123 wrote: Will have to try this out!!!  I am now fine with the conf file, but this will make things simple for my wife to add with out asking me!!!

This app is a 100% cable/sat killer.
Hehe, slow down there!  I think its a ways away from being ready for the wife yet.  I am working on getting it there though


Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 18th, 2009, 7:32 am
by rollingeyeball
[Quote author=qrb123]
My wife happens to have several degrees in technology.
How dare you make the assumption this application is not ready for her!


I hate to ask Kierse, and it's not like I need to use the UI or anything but have you got a * maybe * ballpark* ETA?

Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 19th, 2009, 12:42 am
by kierse
rollingeyeball wrote: I hate to ask Kierse, and it's not like I need to use the UI or anything but have you got a * maybe * ballpark* ETA?
Hopefully it'll be in a more usable state by the end of the weekend  :D.  I've resolved most of the OS related issues I previously mentioned and am now just trying to make it easier to use and get running.  It's definitely not going to be "complete" in the next couple of days but it'll hopefully be in a state where the average user (and tech savvy wife) can make some use of it.

I'll try to keep you guys up-to-date on my progress.


Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 19th, 2009, 11:47 pm
by qrb123
Thanks for the work, it's a killer program.  Top Notch!!!!

Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 4:42 pm
by kierse
Hi everyone,

I just pushed a few UI related updates that should enable the majority of you to get up and running using the bundled library archive (Windows and OSX).  Here's what you'll need to do:

1. download the latest and greatest code base from github
2. regenerate your Media Rover config file, i.e. --write-configs
3. modify the new boot script in the script directory to meet your specific needs
4. run boot script

A couple of caveats:

1. You need to be running Python 2.5.  The library archive (on both platforms) was built against Python 2.5 and will not run with Python 2.6.  This shouldn't be a problem with OSX as I believe 2.5 is standard.  Note: If you'd prefer to stick with Python 2.6, I suggest manually installing Cherrypy and Cheetah.
2. the application server listens for connections on port 8081 by default.  This can be changed via the MR config file if that doesn't work for you.

I've tested the UI on Linux, Windows, and OS X so hopefully everyone will be able to get it running without too much trouble.  I'm going to be publishing some more information on in the next couple of days which will include detailed steps to install Cherry and Cheetah manually.  I'll also continue to put as much time as I can into feature development and hopefully get everything cleaned up and more user friendly.


Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 10:33 pm
by qrb123
I noticed on small flaw It's likely me using it wrong. I am still on the non gui version.

Sometimes it downloads the same episode twice.  

Last night it pulled 2 different copies of season 3, episode 6, of a particular show that aired last night.  I got a standard def, and hi def version of same show.

I have mediarover run as a cron every 10 minutes. Is this too aggressive?  Should I maybe back it off to every 30 minutes, or maybe once an hour to prevent this?  Or does my timing have nothing to do with it? (All I could think was maybe it ran twice before the show downloaded and got two versions)

Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 12:02 pm
by kierse
qrb123 wrote: I noticed on small flaw It's likely me using it wrong. I am still on the non gui version.

Sometimes it downloads the same episode twice.  

Last night it pulled 2 different copies of season 3, episode 6, of a particular show that aired last night.  I got a standard def, and hi def version of same show.

I have mediarover run as a cron every 10 minutes. Is this too aggressive?  Should I maybe back it off to every 30 minutes, or maybe once an hour to prevent this?  Or does my timing have nothing to do with it? (All I could think was maybe it ran twice before the show downloaded and got two versions)
Hmm, I've heard from a couple of different people that this is a problem but I haven't been able to verify it myself.  Can you give me a little more detail?  Did it download the two nzbs at the same time or did it download one nzb and then download the second one 10 minutes later?

Right now, MR checks several things before it downloads an nzb:

1. Checks if the episode is already exists on disk
2. Checks if the episode is already on disk as part of a multiepisode (eg., e02 already on disk in s01e01-e02) if user allows multepisodes
3. It checks if the episode is already in the SABnzbd queue
4. It checks if the episode has already been scheduled for download (but not yet added to the queue)

If none of these conditions are met, MR tells SAB to download the nzb, otherwise it skips it.  If its downloading the same episode more than once, my guess is its a problem with the queue check code.  I'll have a look and see what I can find but any additional detail would be useful.


Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 6:02 pm
by yeahbut

I downloaded the new code from github, and followed the steps you outlined. However I am running the latest version of OSX (Snow Leopard) and it seems to have Python 2.6 installed. I have subsequently installed cherrypy and cheetah but I keep getting this message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/Applications/mediarover/", line 43, in
   bootstrap(options, args)
 File "/Applications/mediarover/mediarover/interface/", line 92, in bootstrap
TypeError: update() got an unexpected keyword argument 'updateMap'

Any ideas?

Thanks, keep up the great work.


[edit] Yes I do have Python 2.6 by default:

Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jul  7 2009, 23:51:51)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin


Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 6:30 pm
by kierse
yeahbut wrote: Hi,

I downloaded the new code from github, and followed the steps you outlined. However I am running the latest version of OSX (Snow Leopard) and it seems to have Python 2.6 installed. I have subsequently installed cherrypy and cheetah...
Crap, I wondered if Snow Leopard was going to have Python 2.6 (I've got a laptop with Leopard and it runs 2.5).  My guess is that you installed Cherrypy 3.X when MR expects 2.3.X.  If this is the case, try installing 2.3.X and getting back to me.

I'd much rather use Cherrypy 3.X as its obviously the future of the project.  However, SABnzbd is bundled with Cherrypy 2.3.X and there are slight differences (code wise) between the two versions.  I could try and support both versions but I'd rather not.  How did you find installing Cherrypy and Cheetah?  Was the experience relatively painless?  If the general consensus is that it is pretty easy to install the required libraries, I would be tempted to move to Cherrypy 3.X and ditch the bundled library approach altogether.

Any thoughts?


Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 5:04 am
by yeahbut
kierse wrote: Crap, I wondered if Snow Leopard was going to have Python 2.6 (I've got a laptop with Leopard and it runs 2.5).  My guess is that you installed Cherrypy 3.X when MR expects 2.3.X.  If this is the case, try installing 2.3.X and getting back to me.

I'd much rather use Cherrypy 3.X as its obviously the future of the project.  However, SABnzbd is bundled with Cherrypy 2.3.X and there are slight differences (code wise) between the two versions.  I could try and support both versions but I'd rather not.  How did you find installing Cherrypy and Cheetah?  Was the experience relatively painless?  If the general consensus is that it is pretty easy to install the required libraries, I would be tempted to move to Cherrypy 3.X and ditch the bundled library approach altogether.

Any thoughts?

Installing cheetah and cherrypy is painless. Just a simple download and then cd into the directory and "python install" Worked a charm. So to asnwer your question, it's easy with basic command line skills.

I downloaded the earlier version of cherrypy as you suggested, and it works no problems.

Thanks Kierse.

Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 6:55 am
by stanpete
Hey Kierse,
thanks again for the great tool.
One question - i cloned your latest github sources and suddenly (on ubuntu jaunty) I can't start mediarover
when I don't cd to it's folder. it will abort with an error message saying that the "templates/" folder
is missing - even if I'm pointing to a mediarover.conf that has an absolute path to ui templates.

Any idea what I could do ?


Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 10:32 am
by qrb123
kierse wrote:
qrb123 wrote: I noticed on small flaw It's likely me using it wrong. I am still on the non gui version.

Sometimes it downloads the same episode twice.  

Last night it pulled 2 different copies of season 3, episode 6, of a particular show that aired last night.  I got a standard def, and hi def version of same show.

I have mediarover run as a cron every 10 minutes. Is this too aggressive?  Should I maybe back it off to every 30 minutes, or maybe once an hour to prevent this?  Or does my timing have nothing to do with it? (All I could think was maybe it ran twice before the show downloaded and got two versions)
Hmm, I've heard from a couple of different people that this is a problem but I haven't been able to verify it myself.  Can you give me a little more detail?  Did it download the two nzbs at the same time or did it download one nzb and then download the second one 10 minutes later?

Right now, MR checks several things before it downloads an nzb:

1. Checks if the episode is already exists on disk
2. Checks if the episode is already on disk as part of a multiepisode (eg., e02 already on disk in s01e01-e02) if user allows multepisodes
3. It checks if the episode is already in the SABnzbd queue
4. It checks if the episode has already been scheduled for download (but not yet added to the queue)

If none of these conditions are met, MR tells SAB to download the nzb, otherwise it skips it.  If its downloading the same episode more than once, my guess is its a problem with the queue check code.  I'll have a look and see what I can find but any additional detail would be useful.

I just looked a little closer and  it downloaded the first one at 06:12:21 - Then the next one at 06:15:49 -- So it would have queued them up at the same time, because media rover runs at 10 minute intervals, and would have run for that batch at 06:10:00. 

Re: Media Rover

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 11:30 am
by kierse
stanpete wrote: Hey Kierse,
thanks again for the great tool.
One question - i cloned your latest github sources and suddenly (on ubuntu jaunty) I can't start mediarover
when I don't cd to it's folder. it will abort with an error message saying that the "templates/" folder
is missing - even if I'm pointing to a mediarover.conf that has an absolute path to ui templates.

Any idea what I could do ?

Hey Stan,

My fault, I obviously didn't test that scenario  :-[.  Update your code again, I just pushed a fix that should solve the problem.
