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Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 4:53 pm
by DJBenson
Right it's "fixed" - it was neither Qouch nor my reverse proxy, the problem was CouchPotato had stopped updating itself, and was indeed rather out of date and suffering from the redirect bug (>2 months old). Now updated, looking slicker than ever but more importantly working with Qouch so all is good again.

I urge anybody having issues to make sure they are on the latest builds of each of the respective apps.

Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 7:10 am
by Skeo
I still can't get CP V2 to work even with the recent update. (Using Quoch v. 1.4.0)

I tried with port 5050, path set to /wanted and the api key filled in.
I get the error "the request failed because it redirected too many times"

Tried with the port 5050, path blank and api filled in.
I get the error "The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application."

Tried deleting the server, re-adding it (its a local 10.0.0.x address on my wifi network), port 5050 everything else blank (I don't use a username or pass)
No errors this time, but I never get past the "connecting to server" with the spinning thing. wont even time out.

Added /wanted to the path again and it goes back to the "redirected too many times" error.

I'm completely at a loss here. Just wish it would start working already.

Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 9:49 am
by ZildjianKX
I also still can't get it to work, even with the very latest CP2. It just tries to connect forever.

Also, shouldn't Qouch have port 5050 as the default port for CP2 instead of 5000? Not sure why 5000 is the default. Kind of annoying to have to change it every single time I reset the server in Qouch to debug the issue.

Enhancement request: Hide search providers that you don't have the login/pass or API keys filled in for.

Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: August 1st, 2012, 4:49 am
by curiozio
Ok, after a lot of problems connecting to V2 it finaly happend!
My settings:
version 02 switch on
Use SSL switch off
port number 5050
Path (default /)
Username (filled in)
Password (filled in)
Api key (filled in)

With these settings at first, I couldn't get it to work. Same errors as everyone else here, latest version of qouch.

So, what solved it for me? ???
The re-installation of Git. And (!) Correcting the Path= variable in windows to the correct search path for git.exe.
(for the noobs: in a dos-box when you type path and press enter you can find out if your "path" is set correctly; ... ows-7.aspx).
I noticed it was wrong, because I couldn't launch any "git" commands. Windows 7 could not find the git.exe file.

So once I pointed it to: [gitinstallationpath]\bin (where the git.exe resides) it worked.

Same for updating from within CP V2 (did not work either), because CPv2 could not launch Git commands as well.
Maybe it helps you out!

Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: August 1st, 2012, 6:22 am
by Skeo
curiozio wrote: So, what solved it for me? ???
The re-installation of Git. And (!) Correcting the Path= variable in windows to the correct search path for git.exe.
(for the noobs: in a dos-box when you type path and press enter you can find out if your "path" is set correctly; ... ows-7.aspx).
I noticed it was wrong, because I couldn't launch any "git" commands. Windows 7 could not find the git.exe file.

So once I pointed it to: [gitinstallationpath]\bin (where the git.exe resides) it worked.

Same for updating from within CP V2 (did not work either), because CPv2 could not launch Git commands as well.
Maybe it helps you out!
None of that made much sense to me. I'm on a mac, and I can't seem to find any equivalent path settings. I'm not very fluent with git though.

Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: August 1st, 2012, 1:12 pm
by morberg
Thanks for the tip about git, that fixed my issue too. My git command is /usr/local/git/bin/git (running OS X)

Go to your CP configuration (something like http://localhost:5050/settings/general/) and select "Show advanced settings". At the bottom of the page there is an entry for Git Command. It probably says 'git'. Replace that with '/usr/local/git/bin/git' and everything works again.

Upgrading to Mountain Lion can apparently drop git from your path even if you had it working before.

Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: August 1st, 2012, 6:56 pm
by Skeo
morberg wrote:Thanks for the tip about git, that fixed my issue too. My git command is /usr/local/git/bin/git (running OS X)

Go to your CP configuration (something like http://localhost:5050/settings/general/) and select "Show advanced settings". At the bottom of the page there is an entry for Git Command. It probably says 'git'. Replace that with '/usr/local/git/bin/git' and everything works again.

Upgrading to Mountain Lion can apparently drop git from your path even if you had it working before.
I uninstalled and reinstalled git. Changed the git path in CP as above. Restarted CP. Deleted the server on quoch and started again. Still the same result as before.

oh, and the easy way to find the git path is to open terminal and enter

Code: Select all

which git

Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: August 2nd, 2012, 1:06 am
by morberg
Skeo wrote:oh, and the easy way to find the git path is to open terminal and enter

Code: Select all

which git
Correct. However that only works if git is in your path, which it wasn't on my system after the Mountain Lion upgrade.

You (meaning everybody reading this - not Skeo specifically) should check the CP logs that git is found by the application. If it is, you can at least rule that out.

Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: August 2nd, 2012, 7:56 am
by calgarychris
Quick couple of very basic questions about Couch:

I have sabnzbd, SB and CP working on my Mac beautifully. I have one port currently forwarded which gives me access to sabnzbd. I have been able to access sabnzbd using Qouch, but I cannot access SB or CP. Do I need to port forward SB and CP using different ports or do they all somehow use the same one? Second question is, how does the "detect API key" work - I thought the whole point of the API key was to secure any connections to the open port???

Thanks very much in advance!


Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: August 16th, 2012, 5:27 am
by ferdyh
I've setup proxy-ing of sickbeard, sabnzbd and couchpotato; however couchpotato v2 isn't working with qouch. Any suggestions on setup?

I've forwarded:

https://domain/sabnzbd/ to
https://domain/couchpotato/ to
https://domain/sickbeard/ to

CP v1 worked, however CP v2 doesnt.... The webinterface works at the given address...

Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: August 16th, 2012, 7:27 am
by Skeo
ferdyh wrote: CP v1 worked, however CP v2 doesnt.... The webinterface works at the given address...
Plenty of people can't get v2 to work with qouch. Need to wait for an update and hope for the best.

Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: August 22nd, 2012, 2:37 pm
by hydrokugal

first of all thank you for this great app. I just bought it, configured it and im totally happy. I have a few suggestions for you to make this app even better.

Sabnzbd category
1. Adding downloads via is a little hard. Problem is, that theres too much trash shown. Adding a button to search for 100MB+ only and results 50, 100, or even 250 would be great.
2. A Button to change downloadspeed of SABnzbd would be nice
3. Same goes for pause. Instead of total pause implement a 5,10,20,30 min break etc.

Sickbeard category
1. When adding a new series i really miss the chance to add the series in different language. Currently its only possible to add english series. it doesnt even find german for example
2. Force search button
3. Log would be awesome to see.
4. change the status of episodes to wanted etc...

Couchpotato category
1. I use CP v2 to not download automatically. I use it to see what kind of download qualities are avail to then manually download it. Thats a new feature in V2 and would be great if its supported

Thats it. Would be awesome to get some kind of answer just to see if you read my suggestions and i didnt write it here for nothing :)

Thank you for this great app, clearly a masterpiece when it comes to manage different things.


Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: September 1st, 2012, 8:13 pm
by MrLamper
Grr arrgh!

I can't get this to work at all. :(

I've looked up my IP adress at
Host or IP: IP given by above
Label: Flat

Enabled: On
Use SSL: Off
Port no.: 8080
Path: /sabnzbd
Username: blank*
Password: blank*
API key: Autodetect

*Blank as I'm not using them on the laptop to get this working..

Enabled: Off

I don't use it..

Sick Beard
Enabled: On
Use SSL: Off
Port no.: 8081
Path: /
Username: blank
Password: blank
API key: Auto-detect
I've also set the listening IP in sabnzbd to like previously mentioned.

Other than that, I have sick beard and sabnzbd running on the laptop.

When I try to connect, this happens:


Same with SB, so I read through this whole thread and tried all suggestions I thought might help.
I was really looking forward to getting this app working.

Please, if anyone has any advice - even if it seems obvious - let me know!!!

Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: September 6th, 2012, 4:01 am
by afly
Bloody awful news >:(

"Unfortunately Qouch has been removed from the store by Apple for having integration with @sickbeard. This had some time coming I'm afraid..."

"An update without @sickbeard support will be released soon. DO NOT UPGRADE if you want to keep your SB integration!"!/search/users/qouch

I see four options for the dev,

1. As above, the worst one for me. Constant update badge and lost if I reset the device
2. Rename the app to Qouch v2. Get around the badge problem but we can never enjoy the great new features to come
3. Release it on cydia. I'd happily pay again for continued development. knock on for the developer though is less jb devices to target
4. Release it on Cydia but call it something completely different so Apple cant make the connection


Re: [iOS] Qouch for SABnzbd, CouchPotato & Sick Beard

Posted: September 15th, 2012, 2:15 am
by Skeo
For anyone still struggling with errors connection to CP V2, I managed to get mine working.
The problem was to do with my git installation apparently. Issue came to light when I updated to mountain lion and sickbeard and CP stopped working.

First, make sure that CP is able to update properly. Click the check for update button, and if it errors, then it needs to be fixed.
A little googling will get you all the steps, but from memory I think the things I did to get SB and CP running again was.

1. reinstall git
2. reinstall cheetah
3. manually update CP

from there, once CP is able to update itself properly with git. you should be able to connect. the settings I used in qouch were

CP enabled
V2 enabled
SSL disabled
port number 5050
Path blank (default)
username filled in
pass filled in
API key filled in

hope that helps!!