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Re: Glitter Sparkle Unicorn Skin

Posted: January 9th, 2016, 5:15 am
by Se7en
About the retry, as of now the user just clicks the retry text and there's this popup with some choices. Would it be possible to include some sort of 'fast retry' option? So that sabnzbd just retries without changing the .nzb, path or whatever choices there are available.

Re: Glitter Sparkle Unicorn Skin

Posted: January 9th, 2016, 6:05 am
by safihre
But how would we make that clear depending on what the user wants for the specific job? An extra button?
Now its just 1 extra click, not too bad right?

Re: Glitter Sparkle Unicorn Skin

Posted: January 9th, 2016, 6:08 am
by Se7en
Yes I know that there isn't too much work as it is :) I guess it isnt possible to make the icon on the far left clickable?

Re: Glitter Sparkle Unicorn Skin

Posted: January 30th, 2016, 3:32 am
by Se7en
Hmm, is it possible to change which folder I want sab to extract to? I just got a failed download (because of my HDD being stuffed). Cant find an easy way to change extract point in the GUI. I usually just extract it manually in the incompleted folder and move it to which ever hdd or partition I want it in. But would be nice to do it from the GUI O0

Edit: Just to be clear, extract a failed download. Cant find anything in the retry popup menu. Changing the target for a download in the queue is no trouble at all.