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Re: SABnzbd Monitor, first public release
Posted: August 8th, 2009, 10:04 am
by FlyveHest
It hasn't been tested with 0.5 yet, I haven't read about 0.5 yet, so if there's been changes to the API, I haven't implemented them.
Will take a look, though
Re: SABnzbd Monitor, first public release
Posted: August 8th, 2009, 2:52 pm
by meh
Yeah that was my guess
0.5 API docs is at
Re: SABnzbd Monitor, first public release
Posted: September 1st, 2009, 4:38 am
by Vex-Box
Could I please have clarification on what version of .NET Framework is required to use SabNZBd Monitor. I am a tad confused....
On Late O/S's such as Vista and Win7 that include .net3.5 the monitor seems to function erratically. It initially functions ok (idle) but once a download commences the functionality is lost. Even on XP the version of .NET 2 SP2 and up are also erratic.
Needless to say all the prerequisites to put .NET SP's on and reinstall (non SP's) means this is sometimes impossible to provide a specific version.
Thanks Vex...
Re: SABnzbd Monitor, first public release
Posted: January 7th, 2010, 4:36 am
by Biggsis
On my machine (Windows 7 Ultimate, SABNZBD+ 0.4.12) the Monitor does not detect any running sabnzbd+, always claims "SabNZB is not running". Deleted CONFIG file created new, verified API Key twice, generated a new one, all to no avail.
Just does not work
SABnzbd+ itself is running like a charm, other addons work flawlessly, using sabnzbdstatus for the time being. Just would like to have it in the tray instead of always having FF running.
Is there something, that i did not try yet??
Re: SABnzbd Monitor, first public release
Posted: January 7th, 2010, 6:28 am
by Eejit
On my machine (Windows 7 Pro, SABNZBD+ 0.4.12), SABnzbd Monitor works perfectly.
Are you sure you have everything setup correctly in sabnzbdmonitor.cfg ?
Re: SABnzbd Monitor, first public release
Posted: January 7th, 2010, 1:06 pm
by Biggsis
What else besides the API Key do you have to set in the CFG FILE?
Usename / Password i dont use, SABNZBD is set to localhost:8080
I read, that various DOT NET installations might cause problems? I have NET SDK installed, since I am a developer
Re: SABnzbd Monitor, first public release
Posted: January 16th, 2010, 8:32 pm
by ncjok
FlyveHest wrote:
It hasn't been tested with 0.5 yet, I haven't read about 0.5 yet, so if there's been changes to the API, I haven't implemented them.
Will take a look, though
Is development for SABnzbd Monitor still ongoing? Perhaps expectedly it is not able to detect SABnzbd @ localhost:8080 when running 0.5.0Beta6.
It's a great looking little program and I hope you are able to put some more time in to it
Re: SABnzbd Monitor, first public release
Posted: January 30th, 2010, 2:57 am
by tedrock
i'm using this on vista with 0.5.0 RC3 and it's ALMOST working perfectly. the icon doesn't update correctly. after my queue is empty the tool tip changes to "SABnzbd is idle" but the icon remains as the download icon (little green play arrow on it).
EDIT 01/31/10: seems this program only works temporary on my system (Vista 64bit) and then stalls. It will continue to show the download icon even though SAB is idle and stops showing tool tips for new downloads and completed downloads. I also get an error when I use the pause option.
Re: SABnzbd Monitor, first public release
Posted: September 25th, 2011, 1:36 am
by TheStretchedElf
Not working on my Win7 machine. Always reports SAB not running. API key is correct in the cfg and I don't use user/pass. Shame because this looked pretty neat.