Apologies for not replying quicker, lots of updates and replies;
The next major version of nzbVR will be in Ruby, which will put the application closer to a self packaged environment as the only initial requirement will be Ruby + RubyGems. nzbVR will include its own web server, so it will be able to use any port (much similar to SABnzbd+). This will also lead to the distribution of binary packages for each platform which have no dependencies whatsoever but will not be available straight away.
nzbVR in Ruby will include a host of new features;
- NZBMatrix, Newzbin (these will be extendable, if someone can invite me to nzbs.org I can add support).
- Self aware updates and download checks, no need for cron or scheduled tasks
- Improved performance for NAS support (no more memory hogs in the data storage)
- New Series UI with a step-by-step watcher wizard
- Support for SQL databases (sqlite3 by default but can be changed to MySQL for extra performance benefits)
- Improved dashboard UI (with quick search abilities)
- Searches across multiple providers (use one search query to look over Newzbin + NZBMatrix (+ more in the future) at the same time)
@clony3k The application is abit complicated to setup because it requires PHP5 and a web server thats capable of performing URL rewrites. At the moment the best installation guide is the readme;
http://github.com/sixones/nzbvr/blob/ma ... E.markdown
@joymonkey Glad its working for you! Not yet, thats a good though. In the next major version I plan on allowing multiple formats and types to be selected, so you can auto-download the different copies. Another good idea, il think about adding it to the new version. If you want to contribute send me a message on github!
@RageX Thats strange, have you changed the path settings in
in the nzbVR data folder? If not try changing the rewrite to
. If that works there might be a bug in the nzbVR routing manager.
@mudboy This sounds like you dont have mod_rewrite setup in your apache config, make sure its enabled and the .htaccess exists in the root of nzbVR.
@liquidox Delete the contents of your data folder and let nzbVR re-create it, sounds like a corrupt settings file. Make sure to run
to update to the latest version first though.
@Undisclosedpower You should only need to set the SABnzbd+ url to
http://my.hostname/ unless you are using 0.4. The artwork is from TheTVDB, as they provide nice shiny high-res images for most shows. You can use the update-all button to do a re-fetch of all the data and images which might help. But if the shows dont have any images on TheTVDB, nzbVR wont be able to display any.
@bnevets27 The search is very slow, Iv got a plan on how the new version will work to make the user work flow easier and quicker. The main issue is for each character you type, nzbVR will do a search to TVRage for a list of shows. If you just leave it searching, eventually it will finish - unless TVRage is down. See my update at the top of this post for the self-packaged replied.
I've looked at the IMDB "My Movies" feature behaviour but they offer no API for looking at the data, so it would involve HTML scraping which im not really a fan of. I will have another look at doing it with the Ruby version if it turns out to not be that complicated I will get it added in.
I want to add auto-update to the Ruby version, it should be in there once Iv got the first beta version ready (~April). Would love to hear your suggestions on the series!!