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Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 3rd, 2010, 8:13 am
by auskento
Just got this up and going on my linux system.

It shows a lot of potential.

For any Linux users wanting to daemon this, the following should work

Code: Select all

nohup python &
I added it to my local.start in my Gentoo set up.

Is this meant to grab poster art from THETVdb?

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 4th, 2010, 10:07 am
by fchadon
very good tools, work like a charm on my linux & windows.

Exactly what i'm looking for !!! Thanks, will try to help contribute soon.

Regarding features, will be great when click search we have the list of matching show and we select the one we want download.
Theses days newzbin keep so much password rar. Also some are subs in movies. Some may want download german or french instead of original version.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration,

Posted: January 4th, 2010, 7:14 pm
by Stokkes
midgetspy wrote:
Stokkes wrote: Hey midgetspy,

Trying to set this up on my slackware (unRAID) box, which SABnzbd is running perfectly on and I'm having some issues (cheetah/cherrypy are all
installed).. Got the lastest SVN seeing as you only have win32 packages available.

When I run python ./, I get...

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 35, in <module>
    from sickbeard import db, webserve
  File "/boot/custom/opt/sickbeard/sickbeard/", line 28, in <module>
    from Cheetah.Template import Template
ImportError: No module named Cheetah.Template
Any ideas?
Hmm... what version of python and Cheetah do you have installed? Are you running SAB on that box from source or from a binary?
Python 2.6.2 and Cheetah 2.0.1

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 4th, 2010, 8:17 pm
by midgetspy
Maybe try updating Cheetah, 2.0.1 is a pretty old version - I believe 2.2.2 will work or 2.4.0 for sure.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 5th, 2010, 10:46 pm
by bnevets27
midgetspy wrote: Out of curiosity, what info could you possible want out of the original NFO?
I guess there's nothing really important in them most of the info can be generated now. I just like the nfo's that have detail about source and details about the media. I have always kept them but I guess I see no reason I need to continue to keep them. It wouldn't be worth your time to code them in.

Just checked and noticed it matches on season and episodes. So, matches Tvrage matches newzbin. Sickbeard uses for info and searches newzbin. I'll have to check to see who's "right" but this causes a problem.

I did notice a ticket referring to using tvrage and that theTVDB claims to be planning to implement TVDBTVRage cross referencing. Right now I'll just try to do my part and fix thetvdb, if its the one that is wrong. Of course the better the source for info that sickbeard uses the more reliable it will be, which is up to the community.

Thank you again for a great program and for all the improvements so far.

Sickbeard is triggers a waring:

Authentication missing, please enter username/password from Config->General into your 3rd party program:

Now from what I can remember another program (media rover I think) caused the same warning so it might not be on your side. Also it doesn't effect the anything, everything still runs fine. Just a FYI.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 6th, 2010, 4:40 am
by bnevets27
I think XBMC may have changed the format of the exported nfo's.

I get this error on all my shows now:

Code: Select all

[03:59:48 AM] <MAIN::MESSAGE> 0: Loading show info from NFO
[03:59:48 AM] <MAIN::ERROR> There was an error creating the show in M:\TV Shows\XXXXXX: Invalid info in tvshow.nfo (missing name or id)
[03:59:48 AM] <MAIN::DEBUG> Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 57, in loadShowsFromDB
  File "sickbeard\tv.pyo", line 93, in __init__
  File "sickbeard\tv.pyo", line 501, in loadNFO
NoNFOException: Invalid info in tvshow.nfo (missing name or id)
NFO's that work have this field in them:

Code: Select all

NFO's that don't work now have this:

Code: Select all

<episodeguide><episodeguide><url cache="78904.xml"></url></episodeguide></episodeguide>
This nfo was created with XBMC 9.11 Camelot Final.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 6th, 2010, 9:40 am
by fchadon
midgetspy wrote: Out of curiosity, what info could you possible want out of the original NFO?
to complete first poster answer, i want keep original nfo (or file name) for get correct subtitle file.
When multiple release there is several sub for one show with same encoding (sd).
So when renaming keep the original file name in database or keep nfo
but best would be keep original file name and remove nfo that's don't match correct nfo

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 6th, 2010, 9:53 am
by midgetspy
I use TVDB because XBMC uses it so it allows me to have no ambiguity in my show matching since I can match by ID. That said, TVRage is FAR better about having updated and correct info and I would really rather be scraping from it, but I can't stop using TVDB because I need TVDB for many things inside the NFOs. So ideally I want to just wait until the two sites link up like they claim they're going to so I can just cross-reference IDs rather than having to do a search by name and cross my fingers that it's the right show. Of course that may or may not ever happen so I might end up trying to cross-reference myself eventually... we'll see I guess.

About the NFOs I will take a look, I wasn't aware that the formats had changed. The NFOs I coded to were made by an old version of Media Companion so it's entirely likely they're out of date, hehe. I haven't been working on Sick Beard over the holidays so I have a bunch of things that need to be fixed which I will get to sometime soon hopefully.

Also the original filename is kept in history if the episode was post-processed but I don't think you can get at it without looking at the history table in a DB viewer.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 10th, 2010, 9:43 pm
by fchadon
is there a way for test setup or newzbin or such without search episodes (haven't problem but just wonder).
What should be in backlog, never got anything.

Seems you have thumb, is there a way to display them on web interface ?

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 12th, 2010, 2:19 am
by midgetspy
I'm not sure what you're asking... you could add shows in empty folders and pause them all if you don't want it to download anything (or just disable all your search providers) if that's what you meant.

Backlog should be empty unless you add something there:

The folder.jpg thumb should show if it exists but Sick Beard doesn't download them automatically yet.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 14th, 2010, 7:56 pm
by madman420
I must first say i like where this plugin is going.
I have two problems
1. i use nzbmatrix and your current search strings do not always find shows.
    most posts on nzbmatrix as well as most places use SxxExx and since you are searching for 1x01 and not S01xE01 it never finds the right stuff.
2. some times shows get miss named and have two folders ie. The show (US) or the show. and then i have 2 entries in my list of watched shows but when i click on one of them it gives me errors. i went to the dir's and fixed the folders and reloaded sick beard and it now works. so i guess this is not a problem anymore, just wanted to let you know.
looking forward to the development.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 15th, 2010, 1:20 am
by midgetspy
madman420 wrote: Hello,
I must first say i like where this plugin is going.
I have two problems
1. i use nzbmatrix and your current search strings do not always find shows.
    most posts on nzbmatrix as well as most places use SxxExx and since you are searching for 1x01 and not S01xE01 it never finds the right stuff.
2. some times shows get miss named and have two folders ie. The show (US) or the show. and then i have 2 entries in my list of watched shows but when i click on one of them it gives me errors. i went to the dir's and fixed the folders and reloaded sick beard and it now works. so i guess this is not a problem anymore, just wanted to let you know.
looking forward to the development.
About NZBMatrix, if you've found a bug I need:
- the log showing the search string used
- the actual report (or its name) that should have been found

The second one I'm not sure what you mean - you had two folders and it thought they were the same show? It created two folders? Give me examples.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 16th, 2010, 4:19 am
by madman420
midgetspy wrote:

About NZBMatrix, if you've found a bug I need:
- the log showing the search string used
- the actual report (or its name) that should have been found

The second one I'm not sure what you mean - you had two folders and it thought they were the same show? It created two folders? Give me examples.
ok so for problem number one i found two errors first lets say a shows title is "TST : The Show Title" and sick beard searches for "TST : The Show Title S10E10" but posters do not include the redundant "The Show Title" instead just keep it to "TST S10E10".  this show is also mainly know by just the abbreviations and not the full name. This show has a spin off show which is called "TST Maui" which sickbeard searched for "TST Maui S01E01" and it works.
the second error is for a show called "Me VS. Earth" and when sick beard searches for Me VS. Earth it adds an extra + sign for the "." after VS.
the search is "me+vs++earth+S05E05" which does not find anything. but when i added the search string to my browser and edited out the extra "+" it found it!
hope that helps. of course these are not real shows. but examples... if you need more info i can send you the logs.

for the second problem some program "sab or mediaportal or therenamer" added the (US) to the end of a show folder and put some files in there and some files in the folder with out the (US) so i had two folders with the same show name but one with (US) this caused sick beard to add the show twice and when i went to the home area it and click on the show title it would give me an error
The Show/season 01/The show S01E01 <-- folder A
The Show (US)/ Season 01/The show s01e03 <--- folder B

so it was not the fault of SickBeard that i had two folders but it happend to make sick beard give errors. I fixed the problem by merging the folders and deleting one of them. so not really a problem just wanted you to know encase someone has the same problem.

once again good work

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 16th, 2010, 10:09 am
by kricker
madman420 wrote:
for the second problem some program "sab or mediaportal or therenamer" added the (US) to the end of a show folder and put some files in there and some files in the folder with out the (US) so i had two folders with the same show name but one with (US) this caused sick beard to add the show twice and when i went to the home area it and click on the show title it would give me an error
The Show/season 01/The show S01E01 <-- folder A
The Show (US)/ Season 01/The show s01e03 <--- folder B

so it was not the fault of SickBeard that i had two folders but it happend to make sick beard give errors. I fixed the problem by merging the folders and deleting one of them. so not really a problem just wanted you to know encase someone has the same problem.

once again good work
That is most likely the work of therenamer. You can go in and change what the show names are in the setup. The (US) portion comes into play when there is a show that airs here and in the UK.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: January 20th, 2010, 1:53 am
by Meqtrader
Can I just say I love this, for an Alpha "product" it does exactly what it promisses to do and updates are frequent. Sure there are weird issues like it not beeing able to read the whole list of a shows and seasons or be able to recognize the episodes but I put this down to the weird naming and most likely some issues with the host from which we leech info. All in all, keep up the good work and I am wondering where this will end up.