Re: Bug in sorting
Posted: June 30th, 2010, 2:31 am
Hey funtek,
Hmm interesting, I'll have to look into it. My guess is that the comma is the culprit. Whether it's causing MR to crap out or it's doing funny things to SABnzbd. I'll have a look and get back to youfuntek wrote: When SABNzbd 0.5.3 is setup to handle nzbmatrix categories* from RSS**, it causes the sorting script not to run on my windows box. It gives this error on the History page: ERROR: incorrect number of arguments!
My guess is that Mediarover sorting is assuming that there will be one non-deliminated string as the category, and when it gets my amended settings of "TV, tv.*", it's choking.
*(changing the Newzbin/Groups column on the categories view for the TV category to "TV, tv.*" instead of the "TV" that is default)
**(so SAB will put nzbs in the right queue category when you bookmark them on nzbmatrix and then have sab check your personal nzbmatrix rss feed)