I wasn't very happy with how the sorting script was being invoked and users on several different platforms were having problems getting it to work reliably. As a result, I just pushed some code that reorganizes the sorting scripts in what I feel is a more logical manner. Basically, I moved the current sorting script (MR/scripts/sabnzbd_episode_sort.py) into the root directory and renamed it to episodesort.py. I added two example shell scripts (one for Linux/UNIX/Mac OS X and one of Windows) that should be invoked by SABnzbd. These scripts can be moved around on disk to accommodate your individual configuration without having to worry about breaking anything. Both scripts have a couple of variables that will need to be populated to match your installation. I tried to set logical defaults but they won't work for everyone.jayman wrote: ERROR: configuration directory (%LOCALAPPDATA%\Mediarover) does not exist. Do you need to run `C:\Users\jay\Downloads\kierse-mediarover-01399cd2af4113d6ac4dfa537b40c0e7b10ebda4\kierse-mediarover-01399cd2af4113d6ac4dfa537b40c0e7b10ebda4\scripts\sabnzbd_episode_sort.py --write-configs`?
Another thing to note for all users: the sorting shell scripts will need to be made executable so that SABnzbd can run them. In unix this means chmod'ing the file, in Windows this means setting execute permission on the file for the appropriate user (or for everyone). If anyone needs help accomplishing this, drop me a line.
Let me know if these recent changes don't solve your problem.