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[0.7.0b5] incomplete logging with empty nzb from url

Posted: May 14th, 2012, 5:29 am
by jcfp
Seems is having some trouble today, sending out empty nzb files according to sab logs and my queue showing two entries for that site looping forever between waiting for some time and trying to read the url. The log entry however does not show the full nzb source url, making it rather difficult to guess where or what the problem was in case I hadn't been "lucky" enough to be a live witness.
Empty NZB file index.php?action=getnzb&nzbid=REMOVED&i=REMOVED&h=REMOVED.nzb
No mention of anywhere; this type of url is probably generic for all newznab based sites. Please include the hostname part in the log entry for nzbs loaded from remote sites.

Re: [0.7.0b5] incomplete logging with empty nzb from url

Posted: May 14th, 2012, 6:13 am
by shypike
Strange anomaly, usually the full URL is shown.
I'll check.

Re: [0.7.0b5] incomplete logging with empty nzb from url

Posted: May 14th, 2012, 3:29 pm
by jcfp
Forgot to include that earlier as I copied the error from the web interface, but this is logged as WARNING::[nzbstuff:702]. Just so you know.

Re: [0.7.0b5] incomplete logging with empty nzb from url

Posted: May 15th, 2012, 1:11 pm
by shypike
Fixed, incorrect field used for logging.