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RC2: down. might fail, 100.2% of required 101.0% available

Posted: June 6th, 2012, 1:09 pm
by semel
2(!) articles missing.

To be honest i dont quite get the behaviour of thic checker compared to standalone checkers.

Not even mentioning this strange thing about % numbers that confuses me...sort of..

Re: RC2: down. might fail, 100.2% of required 101.0% availab

Posted: June 6th, 2012, 1:48 pm
by shypike
It's a warning.
I assume you read this: ?

The average post consists of 100% RAR files and 10% par2 files.
The ideal post is thus 110%.
If the combined downloadable parts of the RAR and par2 files is less than 100%,
the post will not be repairable.
Due to the nature of NZB files and the way material is posted, it is never
possible to predict repairability in a fully reliable way.
That's why by default we require 100.2%.
Below that, you must decide to take the chance or not.
If you think our threshold is too high, you can lower it in Config->Special.

Re: RC2: down. might fail, 100.2% of required 101.0% availab

Posted: September 23rd, 2012, 2:54 am
by semel
Hello Shypike,

ive been using 0.7.4.RC1 version and getitng quite a few of "download might fail only 100% of required 100.5% available"
(no missing articles, all rars+pars are there) has anything got changed in the way cheking worked?

Re: RC2: down. might fail, 100.2% of required 101.0% availab

Posted: September 23rd, 2012, 4:00 am
by shypike
Nothing changed. From which version did you upgrade?
Did you actually download this post? What was the result?
If positive, can you send one or two examples to [email protected] ?

Re: RC2: down. might fail, 100.2% of required 101.0% availab

Posted: September 23rd, 2012, 5:31 am
by semel
i upgraded from 0.7.3
yeah i downloaded them just fine. no repair was needed. the last one is too large- its 40+Gb(bd50) but ill find other two i encountered and send it right away


Re: RC2: down. might fail, 100.2% of required 101.0% availab

Posted: September 23rd, 2012, 7:22 am
by shypike
There's a bug in SABnzbd 0.7.3 (and also in 0.7.4RC1).
The pre-check stops when the download would normally stop.
Obviously the extra par2 files should also be checked, but this doesn't happen.
I think this error sneaked in while repairing other issues with fetching extra par2 files
and the pre-check use case wasn't considered.
The fix is quite simple, but requires a code change.

As a work-around you can set a lower limit on the required percentage
in Config->Special item "req_completion_rate". Set it to 100 instead of a higher value.
It will mean that some fringe cases will slip through the check.

Thanks for reporting.
BTW: it doesn't just happen with your examples.
Any job with at least one article missing will be rejected.