This is actually a request for an addition to the front-end.
When a download shows hiccups, i.e. not constantly showing the same speed, I would like to know whether this is caused by files being unavailable, or network speed problems. By adding a Quality of Service flag to the front-end, SABnzbd could show if a download has:
[OK] - no problems detected
[LO] - LOw throughput, less than 50% of the maximum speed is reached
[LA] - LAtency detected, time-out nearly reached (increasing time-out is usually the solution)
[DP] - Dropped Packets, received packets were corrupted, or otherwise inconsistent with the expected data
[ER] - serious ERror response from server, retry failed on at least two attempts (possibly caused by too many connections)
[NC] - No Connection, or server not found. User should check internet connection.
Orange in this case means that the connection to the server is unreliable, red means that the download is failing because of connection problems. With this feature the user can decide whether to skip a download, or stop the entire process - possibly another feature, or to be dealt with manually.