0.7.2 Timeouts and weird behavior
Posted: August 4th, 2012, 4:20 pm
Since 0.7.0 and now 0.7.2 my SABNZBD installation is behaving strange. Im getting, what seems to be random, timeouts when accessing the server. Both via web and from MyNZB. Tried to skim the logs but nothing unusual except for this? Tried changing the ip to instead of local ip but it didn't seem to help.
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2012-08-03 20:08:46,290::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:46] ENGINE Stopped thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
2012-08-03 20:08:46,290::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:46] ENGINE Stopped thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
2012-08-03 20:08:46,291::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:46] ENGINE Bus STOPPED
2012-08-03 20:08:46,291::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:46] ENGINE Bus STOPPED
2012-08-03 20:08:46,291::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:46] ENGINE Bus EXITING
2012-08-03 20:08:46,292::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:46] ENGINE Bus EXITING
2012-08-03 20:08:46,292::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:46] ENGINE Bus EXITED
2012-08-03 20:08:46,292::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:46] ENGINE Bus EXITED
2012-08-03 20:08:47,496::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:47] ENGINE Bus STARTING
2012-08-03 20:08:47,500::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:47] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
2012-08-03 20:08:47,703::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:47] ENGINE Serving on
2012-08-03 20:08:47,806::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:47] ENGINE Serving on ::1:8080
2012-08-03 20:08:47,910::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:47] ENGINE Serving on ::1:9090
2012-08-03 20:08:48,014::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:48] ENGINE Serving on
2012-08-03 20:08:48,015::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [03/Aug/2012:20:08:48] ENGINE Bus STARTED