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SABnzbd Windows Service Update

Posted: October 20th, 2012, 2:13 pm
by Gravis856
I'm just curious as to the correct process in which to update SABnzbd as a Windows service. Currently, I have a folders labeled 'Usenet', with a subfolder labeled 'SABnzbd'.

To update I first,
-DL the newest windows binary files and unzip to a temp folder
-stop both services
-copy out my current .ini file, admin and log folders
-replace files in my home SAB folder with the updated binary ones
-move my .ini, admin and log folders back in
-start services

Each time, this works, however its a bit cumbersome. Is there are more fluid way of doing this (such as just writing over the .exe files w/ the new ones) or is the price I pay for not using the installer?


Re: SABnzbd Windows Service Update

Posted: October 20th, 2012, 4:51 pm
by shypike
Don't mix the data and the program files.
Stopping the service is unavoidable.

Re: SABnzbd Windows Service Update

Posted: October 20th, 2012, 5:19 pm
by Gravis856
Okay, understood. What qualifies as the data vs program ones?

Basically seeing what I have to replace with each update and which ones I can leave alone in a separate folder.

Re: SABnzbd Windows Service Update

Posted: October 21st, 2012, 3:01 am
by shypike
When installing the service, you set a -f parameter.
SABnzbd will create a number of folders at the location set by that parameter.
So don't set the work folders to be inside SABnzbd's program folder.
BTW you can safely xcopy the new program files over the existing ones,
at least when both services are down.