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Usenet server recommendations?

Posted: January 19th, 2013, 9:57 pm
by kelemvor

I've been using Sickbeard & Sabnzbd for a while and have always used the free site. However, it has become insanely unreliable. It downloads slowly and just seems to stop working for days or weeks at a time. So, I'm looking for something new.

I'd prefer something free if there's anything out there. I don't need much of anything for retention since I just use it for downloading TV shows that are only a few days old. Is there anything out there I can look into or are there just the ones you have to pay for?

Thanks for any recommendations.

Re: Usenet server recommendations?

Posted: January 20th, 2013, 10:24 am
by sander
free, ipv6 and low retention? Then ... !

Re: Usenet server recommendations?

Posted: January 20th, 2013, 5:25 pm
by kelemvor
For any of the ipv6 servers I get a connection error 10060 Timed out.

I can do a ping -6 and it pings just fine. However Sab gives me the timed out error. I get this a lot with the other ipv6 server I use as well. Failed to connect: (10060, "(10060, 'Operation timed out')") [email protected]:119 Failed to connect: (10060, "(10060, 'Operation timed out')") [email protected]:119

Re: Usenet server recommendations?

Posted: January 20th, 2013, 5:31 pm
by sander
Then do the usual steps to check your IPv6: ... what does it say for IPv6 address?
which IPv6 provider do you use? Some IPv6 tunnel providers block News / Usenet traffic.
Which OS are you using? If Windows: do you use a non-Microsoft firewall? Those non-MS FW's tend to block IPv6
What does a manual "telnet 119" give you?