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Date/Time of unpacked files. Post processing option.

Posted: February 19th, 2013, 4:56 am
by phoenixxl

Today I came across an issue with a program that uses sabnzbd for downloading.
The problem being , the files that were packed inside the archive had the date/time of the computer that packed them. Which was 6 hours into the future.

The problem that gave is that said files would not be processed until their time was past local time.
Generally it's a good thing that archivers , when unpacking preserve the file's original attributes. However, in this case it does cause some grief.

With this I'd like to ask for an option in post processing , where file creation / modification dates of files would be checked and changed to now() if they are files from the future.
I understand this is not really the concern of sabnzbd . But adding this would resolve potential issues with other programs.

Thank you in advance for considering this.
Friendly regards

PS:The program in question that refuses to process downloads that have a bad date/time is Couchpotatoserver. I can also understand their logic for not processing. I feel this issue is something that can crop up in the future as well with other programs, hence my asking here first.

Re: Date/Time of unpacked files. Post processing option.

Posted: February 19th, 2013, 8:25 am
by shypike
There's a Config->Special option for that: ignore_unrar_dates
You'll get the unpack time as timestamp instead.

Re: Date/Time of unpacked files. Post processing option.

Posted: February 19th, 2013, 3:34 pm
by phoenixxl
Thank you for that tip.