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Nzb's stating large completion time, slow speed

Posted: March 1st, 2013, 6:34 pm
by moveright
Lately, I've noticed more and more, an NZB is added to the queue, let's say a file 2GB in size. SAB reports estimated time left around 800-1100 minutes and the speed is 1K. However, the download progress moves so quickly, something like 100MB/10sec or so. Anyhow, I forget what happens when it finishes but obviously something is weird. The status is totally wrong, and, I don't' have that type of internet speed.

Tonight, I noticed that the comments on failed NZB's were all "gone".

does this mean the NZB was pulled from the news server? Is anyone else experiencing this?

Here's an example:


this was snapped roughly 30 seconds after adding the file. normally a file like this would take maybe 15 minutes to download.

Re: Nzb's stating large completion time, slow speed

Posted: March 1st, 2013, 6:44 pm
by moveright
Here's what it said when it was done

Re: Nzb's stating large completion time, slow speed

Posted: March 2nd, 2013, 4:57 am
by shypike
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