SABNZB Speed issues?

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SABNZB Speed issues?

Post by zarfx4 »


Been digging around for a while as to what could be going on...and maybe its nothing, but it just doesnt feel right.

I have SAB currently running on a linux box. Just moved it off a windows box. Both have been reporting the same download speeds.

I have ATT Uverse DSL...."Paying" for 12 mbps....tests on dslreports reflect constant results between 8-10 mbps

USENET= newsgroupdirect and astraweb.

All downloads appears to be reported (by SAB) at no more than 1.4 mbs

Ive seen/heard plenty of people that get 5-10 if not more mbs. This makes me think somehting is wrong with my settings/config somewhere.

I have the Uverse box going to a linksys router running dd-wrt. Even if i plug directly into the uverse box, its still 1.4 max

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Also, since moving to the linux box, the downloads seem to drop down to 0 for about 5 min...then slowly get back up to "normal" for a bit then drop back down.

APpreciate any help!
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Re: SABNZB Speed issues?

Post by sander »

bits versus Bytes. See
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