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Use Test Server in Config > Servers.
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I feel this is a permissions issue, but I'm not a linux expert, so I'm not sure where to look.
I am running SAB and Sickbeard on a Synology device. Everything is working fine for the most part, except sometimes I'll find that sometimes the TV folder under my complete folder will leave folders behind. I haven't been able to find a rhyme or reason. ie - some files came down via RSS, and were processed perfectly. Other files came from SB and were processed perfectly. Some files came from SB and were processed perfectly, but the folders remained.
Is there a way to change what account SAB runs under? What folders should have what permissions?
sufr3ak wrote:
Ignoring the fact that its a synology, and its just a linux based install...
It's not just another Linux install. Each package creator makes his own choices in this area.
SABnzbd doesn't care about the details of access rights.
It just wants to be able to write to its admin folders, plus "complete" and "incomplete".
There's also a possibility to adjust permissions after post-processing (Config->Folders),
but that's not for its own access.