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0.8.x git version Ubuntu: notes

Posted: April 27th, 2013, 3:06 pm
by sander
Here are some notes on using the 0.8.x git version on Ubuntu.

EDIT: first install a regular sabnzbd via the Ubuntu Software Center. It will take care of activating Multiverse and installing the needed other programs (unrar etc)

First: installation of the git version:

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mkdir git-sab
cd git-sab
git clone sabnzbd
cd sabnzbd
git checkout --track origin/develop
Updates later on, in the sabnzbd directory:

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git pull
Show which branch you're using:

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sander@appelboor:~/git-sab/sabnzbd$ git branch
* develop

Re: 0.8.x git version: notes

Posted: April 27th, 2013, 3:08 pm
by sander
SAB 0.8.x can handle 7zip files. However, if SAB says:

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2013-04-27 17:31:49,335::WARNING::[SABnzbd:516] 7za binary... NOT found!
then install "p7zip-full". After that, SAB should say:

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2013-04-27 17:40:07,134::INFO::[SABnzbd:514] 7za binary... found (/usr/bin/7za)

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sander@hapee:~/git-sab/sabnzbd$ dpkg -S  /usr/bin/7za
p7zip-full: /usr/bin/7za

Re: 0.8.x git version: notes

Posted: April 27th, 2013, 3:10 pm
by sander
SAB 0.8.x will announce itself via bonjour.

If SAB says

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2013-04-27 17:33:37,664::INFO::[zconfig:65] No Bonjour/ZeroConfig support installed
then you have to install:

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sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd1
After that, SAB will say

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2013-04-27 17:44:27,850::DEBUG::[zconfig:98] Try to publish in Bonjour as "hapee" (
and will announce itself via bonjour/zeroconf/avahi

Re: 0.8.x git version Ubuntu: notes

Posted: May 2nd, 2013, 1:16 am
by ichigo79
Thanks for the notes you've provided. These will be very helpful to me. Thumbs up!