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Freezing during download
Posted: November 21st, 2008, 9:49 am
by GrantR
Using 0.4.5 on XP. Sab starts to download via my non "backup" servers and works for a very breif moment then for no reason opens up one thread to any one of the backup servers
(as if an artical isnt on the primary server(s)) and the whole thing freezes downloading, the speed is stuck, doing a "force disconnect" makes no difference, to fix it you have to goto servers then press save on one of them to get it to restart downloading for another breif spell... Any ideas?
Re: Freezing during download
Posted: November 21st, 2008, 10:00 am
by shypike
Your report is bit short on details.
Why do you think there's "no reason at all"? Backup servers are used when primary are not available
or do not have an article.
Is the backup server available?
Are you using SSL connections? SSL connections sometimes influence the performance
of other threads when the SSL connection is not responding.
Re: Freezing during download
Posted: November 21st, 2008, 10:20 am
by GrantR
shypike wrote:
Why do you think there's "no reason at all"? Backup servers are used when primary are not available
or do not have an article.
The primary is available asit downloads fine if no backup exists, and yes its when an artical isnt found on the primary that it tries a backup server but freezes.
shypike wrote:
Is the backup server available?
Yes it is, also works fine indipendantly
shypike wrote:
Are you using SSL connections? SSL connections sometimes influence the performance
of other threads when the SSL connection is not responding.
Primary isnt ssl and backup isnt either, have used many different possiblities, with a mixture of 4 servers, of which 2 are ssl and 2 aren't.
Re: Freezing during download
Posted: November 21st, 2008, 1:20 pm
by shypike
What's your operating system?
Is a file called sabnzbd.error.log created in the log folder?
Re: Freezing during download
Posted: November 21st, 2008, 2:02 pm
by switch
If sabnzbd's downloader has crashed there will probably be a tracelog in the log file.
Sned your
log file to
[email protected] and we can take a look.