Download fails, but after many retries succeeds

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Joined: January 29th, 2010, 7:37 pm

Download fails, but after many retries succeeds

Post by gnaget »

Howdy all,

I'm running sab under ubuntu. For about a year now I have been having a lot of problems with failed downloads due to missing articles even though I have it set to check for completeness. I have tried running a few different servers to fill, but still always have the problem. Currently, I'm using Astraweb and newshosting as primary and as an optional fill server. Just about every file fails now. I've noticed, however, that if I retry over and over eventually it will complete. This last download took over a dozen retries. Clearly, the data is there, but for some reason it isn't downloading. I've tried taking the maximum retries up to 15, but maybe I need to set it at 100 or more?

Originally, I was running 0.6.15-1 from the ubuntu repo, but in trying to debug this I upgraded to 0.7.14. No success in fixing the problem.

If anyone can provide some suggestions on how else to fix this, I would appreciate it. A year of this has certainly eroded away my patience.
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Re: Download fails, but after many retries succeeds

Post by sander »

Do you use an RSS feed for your NZBs? If so, the post might be not YET available on your newsserver. So if you retry, the post will eventually download.

If not, have you tried NZBget at the same time? Does that work?
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Joined: January 29th, 2010, 7:37 pm

Re: Download fails, but after many retries succeeds

Post by gnaget »

No, I use SIckbeard to download the nzb to Sickbeard. Some of the files I try to download are old too, so they are definitely finished
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