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Client keep asking for user and password

Posted: August 11th, 2013, 8:18 am
by juvalencia
Hello guys, I have a question. I am running sabnzbd on my windows 8 64 bits since almost a month and couple weeks ago I have set up an user and password for the client through the web interface in the config section under general. Today I have two issues.
1. Every time that I try to go my web interface using chrome (locally) the client does not recognize the user and password. The only way if I go to the .ini file and delete that information and restart the app.
2. After deleting the user and password if I try to set it up again, fails to save it and it try to ask me for the user and password but and I have the first issue again (Keep in mind that i am running the client as Administrator and also that the user and password if present in the ini file).

Please help. This is a great tool.

Re: Client keep asking for user and password

Posted: August 11th, 2013, 2:34 pm
by shypike
Did you try another web browser?

Re: Client keep asking for user and password

Posted: August 11th, 2013, 5:08 pm
by juvalencia
Sorry thanks, you were right it seems an issue with Chrome, but the question is now:

How come was working without issues and then suddenly stop working? mmm interesting, because there is not update installed for chrome.

Re: Client keep asking for user and password

Posted: August 12th, 2013, 5:19 am
by shypike
Chrome updates frequently, automatically and silent.
For us it's a bit like shooting on a moving target.