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HTTPS Access Stopped Working
Posted: December 7th, 2013, 10:00 pm
by ziptbm
I successfully setup HTTPS / SSL access to SABNZBD earlier this week. Has been working fine and forwarded for remote access on port 9090.
Today, I noticed I was unable to connect to port 9090, so I started troubleshooting and researching. I found plenty of recommendations to limit other connections like sabnzbdconnect+, etc. I've minimized connections, restarted the service, ensured the ports were open, and essentially rebuilt my SABNZBD connection from scratch and connections via 9090 will just not work. However, 8080 works flawlessly.
Even on the same box when attempting to access
https://localhost:9090/sabnzbd/ I'm unable to access the interface.
Is there a certain amount of time required for this connection to become active again? I understand if it had too many connections, but nothing is accessing it now and it's been quite some time since it worked.
Any recommendations on how to fix the secured connection?
I'm running this on Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials.
Re: HTTPS Access Stopped Working
Posted: December 8th, 2013, 2:27 pm
by sander
As you've researched and done troubleshooting, it's best to give a list what you've done. Otherwise giving advice can result in "Already done that". So: check https is on in the config, netstat, firewall removal, reboot, etc
Re: HTTPS Access Stopped Working
Posted: December 8th, 2013, 3:04 pm
by ziptbm
Appreciate the response. Here are few of the various actions I've taken.
1. Rebooted machine.
2. Shutdown/restart application
3. Unchecked "https" option, restart app. Then re-check and restart app.
4. Modify port from 9090 to another port with restarts of app between changes.
5. Ensured port 9090 is accessible externally.
6. Ensured the firewall is set to allow SABNZBD to communicate on all ports freely.
7. Created a new firewall rule to allow port 9090 specifically to be open.
8. uninstalled SABconnect++ from all instances of Chrome on various machines.
9. unisntalled SABNZBD (keeping my settings) and reinstalled.
10. Removed SSL Cert & Key, restart app, and then replace and restart app.
11. Troubleshoot --> Restart - Then reconfigure for HTTPS.
12. Checked Netstat on port 9090 and the sabnzbd application. Latest pull below.
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Windows\system32>tasklist | find /i "sabnzbd"
SABnzbd.exe 7696 RDP-Tcp#45 2 74,996 K
C:\Windows\system32>netstat -aon | find /i "7696"
TCP [::1]:8080 [::]:0 LISTENING 7696
TCP [::1]:9090 [::]:0 LISTENING 7696
UDP *:* 1572
I'm at the point, where it might make sense to just uninstall, delete my data information, and recreate from scratch...but would prefer not to do so considering the configuration works for everything except for port 9090. Which it did work perfectly the day before yesterday.
Re: HTTPS Access Stopped Working
Posted: December 8th, 2013, 3:18 pm
by sander
Wow. That's impressive. Well done.
Have you tried wit both Chrome and Firefox and IE?
Have you tried completely removing the firewall on your Windows system? So not just de-activating it or adding a rule?
Re: HTTPS Access Stopped Working
Posted: December 8th, 2013, 3:52 pm
by shypike
Have you tried another port for https?
Does the system's firewall stop things?
Re: HTTPS Access Stopped Working
Posted: December 8th, 2013, 10:15 pm
by ziptbm
@sander - yes, I've tried that address in Firefox & Chrome, but same result. It's the default Windows Server Firewall, so I haven't removed it. Not only that, it worked before...but randomly stopped for some reason. As a point of reference, other HTTPS services like Sickbeard still work without issue.
Chrome gives me "Error code: ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH" as the error while Firefox gives me "(Error code: ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap)"
@shypike - yes, I tried a few other random ports, but it resulted in the same thing. Is there a particularly good way to see if my firewall is stopping it? It worked before, nothing was changed, and other ports are working fine. It won't even work with 9090 from a browser on the machine itself.
Based on what I saw in Chrome & Firefox, I just changed the SSL cert and Key to the same one used by Sickbeard (since I know it's working) and sure enough, it now works.
So my new question is - Any ideas why my cert and key got corrupted? Is there any way to prevent this? After making that switch, everything appears to be working as it should.
Re: HTTPS Access Stopped Working
Posted: December 9th, 2013, 10:59 am
by sander
ziptbm wrote:
Based on what I saw in Chrome & Firefox, I just changed the SSL cert and Key to the same one used by Sickbeard (since I know it's working) and sure enough, it now works.
So my new question is - Any ideas why my cert and key got corrupted? Is there any way to prevent this? After making that switch, everything appears to be working as it should.
Ah. Interesting. What if you extract the cert and key from a fresh SABnzbd pacakge and put that in place ... does it work again?
Re: HTTPS Access Stopped Working
Posted: December 9th, 2013, 3:19 pm
by shypike
ziptbm wrote:Any ideas why my cert and key got corrupted? Is there any way to prevent this? After making that switch, everything appears to be working as it should.
Not really, as SABnzbd only reads those files.
(Except for creating new ones when they're missing.)
I have seen that Chrome and Firefox don't like it when you once use the wrong port (so HTTPS port and HTTP URL and vice versa).
They tend to get hopelessly confused about it.
Re: HTTPS Access Stopped Working
Posted: December 11th, 2013, 8:43 pm
by ziptbm
I honestly don't want to mess with it now that it's working. I'm also not using the cert and key from SABNZBD as they aren't signed, so I'm using my own. Appreciate the help.