Hi mrchris, I had the same issue but have now resolved it with the BETAs. I just installed Beta 5 and it worked fine, although I do have other issues but these are unrelated to the installation.
For all the ReadyNAS NV+ users out there here are some complete step by step installation notes. Please let me know if you have any problems and I'll do my best to help but I'm no expert and that Python sqlite was a real pain to solve. I used the original install notes given as my foundation and built the following. Anyway take a look and lets see what questions I get
Installation and Configuration of ReadyNAS NV+
Setup Dns-o-matic
1. Install Root Access via ToggleSSH and EnableRootSSH
In ReadyNAS NV Admin > System > Update > Local Tab
Upload the bin files there.
2. Download and install DnsOMatic add-on
http://www.readynas.com/forum/viewtopic ... 47&t=28347
3. In ReadyNAS NV Admin > Services > Installed Add-ons > Disable DnsOMatic add on
4. Winscp/Putty with Root user to /c/addons-scripts/DnsOMatic open dnsomatic file and insert Username/Password
Setup SABnzbd
http://www.thibernet.com/442-install-sa ... adynas-duo)
1. Install Add on APT-GET
2. Putty root access to NAS
3. Run:
1. apt-get update
2. apt-get install libc6-dev
3. apt-get install gcc
4. apt-get install gdb
5. apt-get install libtag1-dev
6. apt-get install uuid-dev
4. mkdir /root/src
5. cd /root/src
6. Run:
1. apt-get install unrar unzip
2. apt-get install par2 parchive
3. apt-get install gpp
4. apt-get install libssl-dev
5. apt-get install zlibc
6. apt-get install zlib1g-dev
7. Install Python 2.5
1. wget
2. gzip –d Python-2.5.4.tgz
3. tar xf Python-2.5.4.tar
4. cd Python-2.5.4
5. ./configure –build=sparc-linux
6. make
7. make install
8. cd ..
8. Install pysqlite
1. wget
http://pysqlite.googlecode.com/files/py ... 5.6.tar.gz
2. gzip -d pysqlite-2.5.6.tar.gz
3. tar xf pysqlite-2.5.6.tar
4. cd pysqlite-2.5.6
5. python setup.py build_static install
6. Configure Python to have an alias for sqlite3
1. python
2. from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3
3. exit()
9. Install Cheetah 2.0.1
1. wget
http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourcefo ... 0.1.tar.gz
2. gzip –d Cheetah-2.0.1.tar.gz
3. tar xf Cheetah-2.0.1.tar
4. cd Cheetah-2.0.1
5. python2.5 setup.py install
6. cd ..
10. Install yenc
1. wget
2. gzip –d yenc-0.3.tar.gz
3. tar xf yenc-0.3.tar
4. cd yenc-0.3
5. python2.5 setup.py install
6. cd ..
11. Install feedparser
1. wget
http://feedparser.googlecode.com/files/ ... er-4.1.zip
2. mkdir feedparser-4.1
3. cd feedparser-4.1
4. unzip ../feedparser-4.1.zip
5. python2.5 setup.py install
6. cd ..
12. Install pyOpenSSL-0.9
1. wget
http://garr.dl.sourceforge.net/sourcefo ... 0.9.tar.gz
2. tar xvzf pyOpenSSL-0.9.gz
3. cd pyOpenSSL-0.9
4. python2.5 setup.py install
5. cd ..
13. Install SABnzbd 0.5.0 Beta 4
1. wget
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/projec ... irror=garr
2. gzip –d SABnzbd-0.5.0Beta4a-src.tar.gz
3. tar xf SABnzbd-0.5.0Beta4a-src.tar
4. cd SABnzbd-0.5.0
5. python2.5 –OO SABnzbd.py -v
If everything has installed correctly that should produce a normal output with some nonchalant statements about versions etc.
( 14. Or try SABnzbd 0.5.0 Beta 5
1. wget
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/projec ... or=surfnet
Create a file /etc/init.d/sabnzbd :
case "$1" in
echo "Starting SABnzbd."
/usr/local/bin/python2.5 /root/src/SABnzbd-0.5.0Beta4/SABnzbd.py -d -f /etc/SABnzbd/sabnzbd.ini
echo "Shutting down SABnzbd."
/usr/bin/wget -q --delete-after ""
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 1
exit 0
Add it on startup:
cd /etc/rc3.d/
ln -s /etc/init.d/sabnzbd S05sabnzbd
Try cd /etc/init.d/
chmod +x sabnzbd
./sabnzbd start
When that is completed go to /etc/SABnzbd/log and you will see the folder has now been created along with the config file in /etc/SABnzbd. In the sabnzbd.ini file you will see a marker host, remove localhost and enter the ip address of the NAS - Please reserve this address in your router so that it always receives the same IP. Now check the config webpage has been started correctly under: