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[Web] Sab/Couch/Sickbbeard/Newznab Web Based Client

Posted: February 19th, 2014, 1:01 pm
by deanthomas
Hi all,

I've started work on a web based client for all of the above. With Sab/Newznab integration nearly finished (the priorities for me) i'll be looking to get some testers on board and give it a go before i start a mass release.

It's a pretty simple web based app, hosted within it's own process (NodeJS) it can sit along side your favourite services already and communicate to them internally. Why did i make this? Tired of all the different apps out there that do this or that, but never this and that. Also, the Apple block on the software that manages this natively on the iPhone (and i don't want to Jailbreak).

It means you can host sab/etc internally and not need to expose them to the internet, you only need to expose *think up clever name* to the internet, where you can then browse it and communicate with your favourite services from wherever you are. I for one like the fact i don't need to browse to different websites and it's all in one location in a nice mobile friendly display.

So, features

Display of status, including download speed, time remaining
Pause/Resume entire queue
Remove/pause items in queue

Later additions:
Upload NZB from phone
Speed Limit

Searching of items, adding directly to SAB, all requests happen from the server, not the device you are browsing from, being very data friendly.

Later additions:
Searching TV/Movies with extra details, links to IMDB etc

Yet to be implemented, potentially Headphones too?

Are there any key features that are required for anyone that i should implement? If you are interested in being a tester, please do PM me. Different OSs are a must, i develop on a Mac and have a PC to test on with Windows 7, but all variants are wanted, including Linux.


Re: [Web] Sab/Couch/Sickbbeard/Newznab Web Based Client

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 12:56 pm
by deanthomas
No interest?

Re: [Web] Sab/Couch/Sickbbeard/Newznab Web Based Client

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 1:02 pm
by sander
I only use SABnzb. So: does it give a narrowed (so possibly more secure) via on SABnzbd? Screendump available?

Re: [Web] Sab/Couch/Sickbbeard/Newznab Web Based Client

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 3:01 pm
by deanthomas
Still so much i have to do, but here's a quite sample of what is there. Please ignore the design, i've just applied Bootstrap but haven't implemented it properly. My main goal for this is to work from my smart phone/tablet so wherever I am it doesn't matter what device i have with me.

Simple search using a Newznab provider ( in this instance) and a view of the SAB page, with minimal controls.


Still very much a WIP, but would like to get people involved testing and feeding back.

Currently, with Sab, Sickbeard, etc they all run on their own port which you need to forward to get to from the outside. With this, you would only expose this to the internet, it would then communicate with the other services locally on the internal network. Reducing configuration overall and making the process of managing them all much easier. In theory!

Re: [Web] Sab/Couch/Sickbbeard/Newznab Web Based Client

Posted: March 31st, 2014, 11:44 pm
by simonk83
Sounds good dean. While you're at it, could you add NzbDrone :)