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a few questions

Posted: February 7th, 2009, 8:13 pm
by villain
i've been using sabnzbd for a while and just started to configure some user scripts. a few things i was wondering;

1. is it possible to apply a user script to every item currently in the queue? i have 400+ items currently in my queue so having to apply the user script individually to each item will become tiresome

2. is it possible to add a user script in between the processing? currently I have a user script which does something with the .rar files in each archive which then requires me to delete the .rar files later. something like +R+U user script +D would be great

Re: a few questions

Posted: February 7th, 2009, 8:26 pm
by markus101
1. I'm not aware of being able to modify all items in the queue to add a post-processing script (I've had many items that I needed to do that for, not 400 though).

2. You could build into you script to delete the files after running the script, then have SAB only d R +E then script, it wouldn't be on SAB to then do the deleting, but it should process just fine. If you go this route I would recommend having SAB only run scripts on successful downloads, as it would delete the files if there was some sort of repair/extract problem (unless of course you build some logic to handle this into your script).

Hope that helps get you started.
