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Windows 8.1 High Disk Usage
Posted: May 14th, 2014, 8:52 pm
by brando56894
Is anyone aware of any problems Sabnzbd may have with Windows 8.1? My girlfriend just bought a new Asus laptop with a Core i5, 8 GB of DDR3 RAM, and a 1 TB HDD and it runs fine as long as Sabnzbd isn't downloading anything, once Sabnzbd starts downloading a lot of things the HDD activity spikes and the OS slows to a crawl.
One of three things is always consuming the most bandwidth: Sabnzbd, Sickbeard or Svchost
I don't have much experience with Windows 8 because I use Linux, but when I have used it I don't like it very much.
Re: Windows 8.1 High Disk Usage
Posted: May 15th, 2014, 2:23 am
by shypike
A hard disk is always the bottleneck in any laptop (except when you have an SSD).
But mostly so during substantial repairs of a download.
Be aware that SABnzbd (and any other download program) is perfectly capable
of saturating your WiFi connection.
We recommend a network cable for serious downloading.
Other than that, SABnzbd should hardly make a dent in the performance of such a laptop.
One more check: the article cache on Config->General. Make sure it is at least 500M.
Re: Windows 8.1 High Disk Usage
Posted: May 15th, 2014, 11:59 am
by brando56894
The odd thing is that Sabnzbd worked perfectly fine on her old laptop which was about 5 years old (Core2duo I believe with 4 GB DDR2 probably) and running Windows 7. I was using an ethernet connection and would get around 7 MB/sec. IIRC her article cache size was at 200 MB, I'll tell her to increase it to 500 MB to see if that makes any difference.
Just to clarify, this isn't a problem with network speeds, it's a problem with the OS lagging like crazy, as if all the RAM was being used.
Re: Windows 8.1 High Disk Usage
Posted: May 16th, 2014, 4:33 am
by shypike
How active is SABnzbd according to Window's Task Manager?
(Memory and CPU time).
Re: Windows 8.1 High Disk Usage
Posted: May 16th, 2014, 10:24 am
by brando56894
She lives two hours away so I couldn't tell you right now, but from what I remember, it wasn't that high. Just the disk activity was high.
Re: Windows 8.1 High Disk Usage
Posted: May 16th, 2014, 3:44 pm
by shypike
I really don't know.
What trashes the disk a lot is an extensive repair job, not just downloading.
Re: Windows 8.1 High Disk Usage
Posted: May 21st, 2014, 10:46 am
by brando56894
Yea, it's a really odd problem. Maybe the HDD in this laptop is slower/worse than the one in her old laptop, who knows.