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Update sabnzb with new path

Posted: July 11th, 2014, 7:11 am
by amelsfort
I have written a script which moves any completed downloads from my download-PC to my NAS. My NAS runs CouchPotato, which looks for movies, adds them to sab and moves them to the correct folder after completion.
No because of my custom script moving the files and sab still mentioning the old path, CP is unable to find the completed movies in the folder specified by sab.

Is there a way for my custom script to update the location of a download in sab? Thay way sab would tell CP the correct path of the download.

PS. The reason I have a custom script moving the file is that I want my PC to do the downloading, par checking and unpacking without using the NAS. This is much faster. Besides this, I wanted to prevent CP from moving any incomplete files during the extraction to the NAS.

Re: Update sabnzb with new path

Posted: July 11th, 2014, 1:26 pm
by shypike
Isn't CP already equipped to move the files to their final destination?

Re: Update sabnzb with new path

Posted: August 8th, 2014, 8:34 am
by amelsfort
CP can indeed move files from a downloadfolder to a different one.

But as I mentioned in my first post, the problem is that I have Sabnzbd running on a different machine because of the speed (especially when using PAR/unrar).
Because I'm also using torrents directly on my NAS, I can't have CP (also running on my NAS) check my server for downloads. Therefore, after the download has finished, I have a postprocessing-script moving the files to my NAS. Here CP picks it up and moves it to the correct folder.

Because of the two systems and the script moving the file, it would be nice to have Sabnzbd to show the correct folder.

Re: Update sabnzb with new path

Posted: August 8th, 2014, 9:41 am
by shypike
It's not possible to implement this in a practical way.
There is no communication from the script to SABnzbd,
except for the exit code and standard output.
Current scripts can now indiscriminately write to standard output.
Interpreting that output as a new path would cause problems.