invalid par2 files

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invalid par2 files

Post by grambo »

so i got some bad par2 files, but the rar files are fine. the unpacking process bails when the par2 check fails. is there any way to make it try to unrar anyway?
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Re: invalid par2 files

Post by shypike »

There is an option in Config->Switches to process unverified jobs.
You may end up with unrar refusing to unpack.
It may be useful when you have a download with multiple par2 sets,
of which only some fail.
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Re: invalid par2 files

Post by rl85733 »

Falling Skies had this issue last week where the Rar files compiled manually fine. A few hours later they followed up with a PROPER which got processed successfully. As I rarely see this failure, I didnt take any action. The Proper worked. Not sure it is worth doing anything in this case as it rarely occurs.
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Re: invalid par2 files

Post by Se7en »

I had the same problem with Extant 1x13, the .rar archives were ok though and I was able to manually extract the .mkv. As far as I can tell it was some sort of mismatch in the naming between the .par2 files and the .rar files. I'm aware of the option to process unverified jobs, but I'd prefer to still verifiy each download before extracting. However, it would be nice with a feature similar to the retry option for failed downloads but with the option to disregard verification and just try to extract the archive.
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Re: invalid par2 files

Post by halfwalker »

I occasionally see similar problems with par2. Most recent was with "'Tears of Steel 2012 2160p DM FLAC 5.1 Hi444PP 10-bit x264-DON". parts 1-15 were all renamed to "...part002.rar.1" types - note the suffix of .1

So of course the verify/extract failed. I renamed the .rar.1 files to just .rar and ran par2repair manually, and that worked. This is on Ubuntu precise with par2cmdline-0.4-tbb-20100203-lin64.

I also notice that LOTS of BARC0DE releases tend to have full-size files with NO valid data in them, and .par2 files with no data either. Other releases have troubles too, but my completion rates for BARC0DE is miserable.
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Re: invalid par2 files

Post by shypike »

The cause is duplicate file names.
The method for renaming duplicate files will change in the next release.
The current method of appending a .1 is no good, because it changes the file type (or the perception of it).
It will change to file.1.ext, which will work much better.
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Re: invalid par2 files

Post by sander »

shypike wrote: It will change to file.1.ext, which will work much better.
... because of Unwanted Extensions' last-rar-finding (and it's checking for '.rar'): can you change it to file.1.rar ?
If not, should I also scan for '.ext' in the name (assuming it's a rar)?
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Re: invalid par2 files

Post by shypike »

Sander, you misunderstand.
A duplicate par2 file is now renamed to name.par2.1
but will be named to name.1.par2 in the next release.
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