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[trunk] SABnzbd Crashing

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 6:56 pm
by markus101

I'm having issue with SABnzb shutting down without warning, this can occur both when idle or when it is downloading articles. Looking at the log files from last night it stopped refreshing and doing anything while it was idle.

Using Slackware 12.1 with SABnzbd 2217 from the SVN. Previously I was using 2160 and was seeing less of these crashes, but I was still seeing them.

Edit - I'm using the Plush Interface, not sure if the crash happens on a refresh or not, I'll try switching to another UI.


Re: [trunk] SABnzbd Crashing

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 7:26 am
by switch
Crashing how? Just not responding, or crashing out of python?

Re: [trunk] SABnzbd Crashing

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 3:28 pm
by markus101
Yeah, If i try to force refresh the page I get a Page Cannot Be Displayed and running 'ps' shows no Python process running. If I re-run the SAB process it comes up no problem, but then goes down again a few minutes later, usually about 15-20 minutes later. I deleted all my log files and then re-ran SAB so I could get a capture of exactly what happened during the time I started it, and the time it crashed.

To me everything looks okay, but I've never dug into the log files before.

I've sent a zip of the log files to the bugs email address,

Please let me know if you need anything else, I was thinking it may be due to low memory (unRAID boots off of flash to a RAM disk, and I do not have a disk for swapping), I've allocated 200M to SAB for caching in RAM (of the 1GB total), hadn't seen problems before, but I looked at top with SAB was running and par2 was running and it never seemed to have a problem, I haven't scaled that back to 100M yet, but I will to test it out.


Re: [trunk] SABnzbd Crashing

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 3:39 pm
by switch
Are you using SSL? What version of OpenSSL do you have? Do this in terminal

Code: Select all

import OpenSSL

Re: [trunk] SABnzbd Crashing

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 4:27 pm
by markus101
I'm not using SSL - Running the commands I 0.8 returned though. Is there a specific version required for SAB to operate with SSL?

I was thinking back to what I changed before this issue started, it was when I noticed the namemapper issue, so I had copied over the windows compiled files. I've deleted those and SAB has been running strong for over an hour, I'll keep an eye on this, but it seems to have fixed it.


Re: [trunk] SABnzbd Crashing

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 6:59 pm
by markus101
I'm now getting this message when I start SAB, running 'ps' does not show it running and I can't hit the webpage.

Code: Select all

2009-02-21 15:47:46,497::INFO::[sabnzbd:764] --------------------------------
2009-02-21 15:47:46,497::INFO::[sabnzbd:765] (rev=unknown)
2009-02-21 15:47:46,497::INFO::[sabnzbd:772] Platform = posix
2009-02-21 15:47:46,497::INFO::[sabnzbd:773] Python-version = 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Sep 11 2008, 13:43:31) 
[GCC 4.2.4]
2009-02-21 15:47:46,498::INFO::[sabnzbd:776] Test release, setting maximum logging levels
This started happening after SAB crashed and now will no longer start. Rebooting that server to see if it makes any difference now.

Works after a reboot... it's been on for over 4 hours now without issue - Looks like ti was related to namemapper, thanks for the help though.
