[Linux, MacOSX, Windows] Media Sorting + XBMC Updater
Posted: March 2nd, 2009, 12:34 am
- Use category specific settings to handle cleaning up and moving SABnzbd downloads
- Define up to 2 secondary destinations to be used when the primary destination is full
- Detect failed downloads and delete them or move them to a user defined destination
- Search for and remove junk files and empty directories (Useful for removing sample video files)
- Send video or music library update requests to one or more XBMC htpc's
- Hand off processing of TV Shows to Sick Beard
1. Copy the htpc_sort.py, settings.ini and excludes files to your SABnzbd scripts folder
2. In the SABnzbd categories settings, set the desired categories to launch htpc_sort.py after post-processing
3. In the SABnzbd sorting settings, Enable TV Show sorting and set the "Sort String" to: %sn/Season %0s/%sn - S%0sE%0e.%ext
4. Edit the settings.ini file to configure, DO NOT modify the htpc_sort.py file to change settings
settings.ini explanation:
NOTE: The 'SABnzbd' section of the ini file is required (The section name IS case sensitive)
address =
login = jdoe
password = pass1234
apikey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
address (Required): set to your sabnzbd address and port, use the address above as an example
login (Required): set to your sabnzbd login name
password (Required): set to your sabnzbd password
apikey (Required): set to your sabnzbd apikey (I have not tested this script w/ an apikey disabled SABnzbd installation)
NOTE: The 'SickBeard' section of the ini file is optional, leave blank or remove this section if Sick Beard won't be used
scriptPath = /home/tret/.sickbeard/autoProcessTV/sabToSickBeard.py
category = TV
scriptPath (Required): path to find the sabToSickBeard.py script provided w/ Sick Beard
category (Required): all downloads within this category will be handed off to Sick Beard during processing
NOTE: The 'XBMC' section of the ini file is optional, add additional addresses as needed (The section name IS case sensitive)
xbmc =
xbmc2 =
xbmc3 =
xbmc (Required): set to your xbmc web server address and port
xbmc* (Optional): additional xbmc web server addresses and ports
NOTE: At least 1 category section is required, add additional category sections as needed (IMPORTANT: The section name must match the SABnzbd category name)
destPath = E:\Movies
destPath2 = D:\Movies
destPath3 = F:\Movies
failPath = C:\Users\tret\Downloads\SABnzbd\Failed
minDownloadSize = 500MB
minFileSize = 200MB
libraryType = video
destPath (Required): set to your primary library location, finished downloads will be moved here
destPath* (Optional): additional library locations, downloads will be moved here if 'destPath' is full (destPath2, destPath3)
failPath (Optional): set to your fail location, failed downloads will be moved here (Remove option to delete failed downloads)
minDownloadSize (Optional): set a minimum download size, downloads below this value will be deleted (Remove option to ignore download size)
minFileSize (Optional): set a minimum file size, files below this size will be deleted as junk (Remove option to skip junk file removal)
libraryType (Optional): set the xbmc library type to be updated for this category e.g: video, music (Remove option to disable xbmc library updates)
excludes file: Add additional file types here to exclude them from junk file removal e.g: .nzb, .sfv, .m3u
HTPC Sort v2.61
v2.61 Download
v2.61 Release notes (8/11/2010)
Built and tested with Python 2.6.4 (download and install if you don't have python already or if you have an older version and the script isn't working)
Python 2.6.4 for Mac OS X
Python 2.6.4 for Windows
- Use category specific settings to handle cleaning up and moving SABnzbd downloads
- Define up to 2 secondary destinations to be used when the primary destination is full
- Detect failed downloads and delete them or move them to a user defined destination
- Search for and remove junk files and empty directories (Useful for removing sample video files)
- Send video or music library update requests to one or more XBMC htpc's
- Hand off processing of TV Shows to Sick Beard
1. Copy the htpc_sort.py, settings.ini and excludes files to your SABnzbd scripts folder
2. In the SABnzbd categories settings, set the desired categories to launch htpc_sort.py after post-processing
3. In the SABnzbd sorting settings, Enable TV Show sorting and set the "Sort String" to: %sn/Season %0s/%sn - S%0sE%0e.%ext
4. Edit the settings.ini file to configure, DO NOT modify the htpc_sort.py file to change settings
settings.ini explanation:
NOTE: The 'SABnzbd' section of the ini file is required (The section name IS case sensitive)
address =
login = jdoe
password = pass1234
apikey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
address (Required): set to your sabnzbd address and port, use the address above as an example
login (Required): set to your sabnzbd login name
password (Required): set to your sabnzbd password
apikey (Required): set to your sabnzbd apikey (I have not tested this script w/ an apikey disabled SABnzbd installation)
NOTE: The 'SickBeard' section of the ini file is optional, leave blank or remove this section if Sick Beard won't be used
scriptPath = /home/tret/.sickbeard/autoProcessTV/sabToSickBeard.py
category = TV
scriptPath (Required): path to find the sabToSickBeard.py script provided w/ Sick Beard
category (Required): all downloads within this category will be handed off to Sick Beard during processing
NOTE: The 'XBMC' section of the ini file is optional, add additional addresses as needed (The section name IS case sensitive)
xbmc =
xbmc2 =
xbmc3 =
xbmc (Required): set to your xbmc web server address and port
xbmc* (Optional): additional xbmc web server addresses and ports
NOTE: At least 1 category section is required, add additional category sections as needed (IMPORTANT: The section name must match the SABnzbd category name)
destPath = E:\Movies
destPath2 = D:\Movies
destPath3 = F:\Movies
failPath = C:\Users\tret\Downloads\SABnzbd\Failed
minDownloadSize = 500MB
minFileSize = 200MB
libraryType = video
destPath (Required): set to your primary library location, finished downloads will be moved here
destPath* (Optional): additional library locations, downloads will be moved here if 'destPath' is full (destPath2, destPath3)
failPath (Optional): set to your fail location, failed downloads will be moved here (Remove option to delete failed downloads)
minDownloadSize (Optional): set a minimum download size, downloads below this value will be deleted (Remove option to ignore download size)
minFileSize (Optional): set a minimum file size, files below this size will be deleted as junk (Remove option to skip junk file removal)
libraryType (Optional): set the xbmc library type to be updated for this category e.g: video, music (Remove option to disable xbmc library updates)
excludes file: Add additional file types here to exclude them from junk file removal e.g: .nzb, .sfv, .m3u
HTPC Sort v2.61
v2.61 Download
v2.61 Release notes (8/11/2010)
Built and tested with Python 2.6.4 (download and install if you don't have python already or if you have an older version and the script isn't working)
Python 2.6.4 for Mac OS X
Python 2.6.4 for Windows