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(Request) Ebook, Magazine, Comic Addon
Posted: January 18th, 2015, 8:25 pm
by ruinit
Can someone out there create and maintain a addon like sickbeard for books and actually maintain it? There has to be a good demand for it but apps like LazyLibrarian keep getting picked up and dropped
I would be willing to donate the first $100 for a working addon I'm sure there are others. There are plenty of tv, movie, music addons but no ebook addons.
Thanks for considering and I am sorry if this is in the wrong place.
Re: (Request) Ebook, Magazine, Comic Addon
Posted: September 11th, 2015, 9:37 am
by jaysel
+1 from me!
I hope that the DobyTang runs with the ball, and gets this working
Re: (Request) Ebook, Magazine, Comic Addon
Posted: December 29th, 2016, 4:49 am
by chrisjace
+1 from me too!
Re: (Request) Ebook, Magazine, Comic Addon
Posted: March 2nd, 2017, 6:24 am
by rutski
DobyTang is doing a great job with LazyLibrarian, updating it regularly and responding quickly to bug reports:
Mylar is also really good for maintaining a comic book collection, EvilHero is also providing regular updates and responds quickly to bug reports
Neither are the quite slick solution that Sickbeard/Sickrage provides but comics/books aren't as simple as TV shows to catalogue, comics come in issues/volumes/collections/editions so you have to be careful with naming and identifying them. I spent quite a bit of time getting them working properly.
I also use ubooquity to broadcast the comics and books even though that has nothing to do with SABnzbd I thought it might be handy to know
If you need help with covers for your comics try opening the archive with your compressor of choice (winrar/winzip/7zip) and either change the name of the cover so it appears first in the list or extract all the files to a new folder and create a new archive with that, putting the cover in the root of the archive then renaming the file to cbr/cbz.
If you need help with covers for your books note that calibre while good at cataloguing and gathering metadata for your books it does not change the original ebook file. For epub files I've been using