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UNPACKing on my NAS, dunno why!

Posted: March 3rd, 2015, 12:20 pm
by jonbauer
Hi All,

I am using 0.7.20 on my Mac. I have my Temporary Download Folder set to my local drive "Downloads/incomplete" and my Completed Download Folder set to "Downloads/complete". Also - my Default base folder is my /Users/username

Weirdly, (maybe not so weirdly, as I'm sure that SOMETHING is set wrong) I can still see an _UNPACK folder on my NAS, the destination folder.

Sorry, I'm sure that I'm overlooking something - why might SABnzbd be using my NAS for unpacks? I THOUGHT that the temp download folder is where unpacking should take place...

- Thanx
- Jon

Re: UNPACKing on my NAS, dunno why!

Posted: March 3rd, 2015, 1:29 pm
by shypike
Unpacking goes from the temporary storage location to the _unpack_ folder on the final destination.
Where that is, depends on your destination folder in Config->Folders, Config->Categories or Config->Sorting.

Re: UNPACKing on my NAS, dunno why!

Posted: March 3rd, 2015, 1:34 pm
by jonbauer
Thanks Shypike.

I think it's going to my NAS since I have my Config -> Categories pointing there. But - I'd want to do all the unpacking on my local server and then just move my final file to the NAS...

I have my tv category set to all "defaults" so I'm not actually sure if it's doing anything for me... Sorry, am I doing it wrong? If I want it to work as I described above, what do I want to do?

- Thanx
- Jon