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Folders are being created in root, not being deleted

Posted: November 13th, 2015, 9:19 pm
by tucansam
And files aren't always moved.

Sickbeard is being told to "flatten folders." Most shows work fine, ie, f:\tv_shows\random_show\episide1.mkv etc. Sab puts ep1, ep2, ep3, etc in the f:\tv_shows\random_show folder.

However, more and more, I am seeing f:\tv_shows\random_show_episode1\ep1.mkv And sometimes that folder is empty (and the episode is actually moved to the show's actual folder). Sometimes its not empty (the episode is stored in that folder, not the show's designated folder)

This happens more and more.

In fact, every single sab install I have ever used (and I've run at least a dozen different systems over the past few years) has eventually "decayed" to doing this, working fine at first, and slowly deteriorating until shows are no longer placed in the right folders.

Its highly annoying and super time consuming. Nothing, and I mean nothing, has changed on the file sever side (where the shows are stored). Folder permissions are the same as they were when I set these systems up together on day one.

Any ideas?


Re: Folders are being created in root, not being deleted

Posted: November 14th, 2015, 7:17 am
by shypike
If you use SickBeard, you should let Sickbeard do all renaming and moving.
You should not use the Sort facility of SABnzbd.