1.1.0RC1 - Name editing -> password bug?

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1.1.0RC1 - Name editing -> password bug?

Post by .maxx »

Hey guys,

I'm not sure if it's a bug but since 1.1.0B1 and RC1 the behavior in editing the name of a download with password is changed.
I'm using the Glitter Skin

This is a typic workflow for me:

1. Click on "Add NZB"
2. Upload a nzb file or paste the link
3. In the same dialog paste a name with password in the "name" input field e.g. Movie DL 1080p BluRay x264{{no7fvosW54U4AqlhIen3uHfgGr}}
4. Everything works normal and the download item in the queue also shows the password that was set
5. click on the "pen" of that download item and edit the name
6. the password is gone

In 1.0.3 and earlier the password stays after editing the name so I think thats a bug.
Last edited by .maxx on July 6th, 2016, 4:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1.1.0RC1 - Name editing -> password bug?

Post by safihre »

You are right!

This also reveals a second bug:
After the password is gone and you click on the folder icon and type a new password and hit save, it throws a CherryPy errror:

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\jiriv\Documents\GitHub\sabnzbd\cherrypy\_cprequest.py", line 670, in respond
    response.body = self.handler()
  File "C:\Users\jiriv\Documents\GitHub\sabnzbd\cherrypy\lib\encoding.py", line 220, in __call__
    self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\jiriv\Documents\GitHub\sabnzbd\cherrypy\_cpdispatch.py", line 60, in __call__
    return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\jiriv\Documents\GitHub\sabnzbd\sabnzbd\interface.py", line 661, in default
    self.save_details(nzo_id, args, kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\jiriv\Documents\GitHub\sabnzbd\sabnzbd\interface.py", line 778, in save_details
    raise dcRaiser(cherrypy._urljoin(self.__root, '../queue/'), {})
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_urljoin'
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Re: 1.1.0RC1 - Name editing -> password bug?

Post by safihre »

Fixed the CherryPy bug, now looking for that password bug.
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Re: 1.1.0RC1 - Name editing -> password bug?

Post by safihre »

Oke found and fixed it.
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