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All downloads gets Aborted, cannot be completed

Posted: September 11th, 2016, 5:18 am
by Melotron
All the comics that I've been downloading gets Aborted, cannot be completed.
When I press retry it gets automatically completed no redownload or anything.
Everyting that Sab downloads gets 777 or 770 in premissions.
Besides the ADMIN folder in InComplete.

Code: Select all

-rw-rw-rw-  1 media  wheel  45517965 Sep 11 12:06 Carnage 001 (2016) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr
drwx------  2 media  wheel         4 Sep 11 12:06 __ADMIN__/
Here are the log.

Code: Select all

2016-09-11 12:06:51,967::INFO::[postproc:281] Starting PostProcessing on Carnage.001.2016.Digital.Zone-Empire => Repair:True, Unpack:True, Delete:True,, Cat:comics
2016-09-11 12:06:51,969::INFO::[postproc:551] Cleaning up Carnage.001.2016.Digital.Zone-Empire (keep_basic=True)
2016-09-11 12:06:51,969::INFO::[misc:1283] Cannot remove folder /media/Download/InComplete/Carnage.001.2016.Digital.Zone-Empire/__ADMIN__
2016-09-11 12:06:51,969::INFO::[misc:1283] Cannot remove folder /media/Download/InComplete/Carnage.001.2016.Digital.Zone-Empire/__ADMIN__
2016-09-11 12:06:51,969::INFO::[postproc:83] Saving postproc queue
2016-09-11 12:06:51,969::INFO::[__init__:941] Saving data for postproc2.sab in /var/db/sabnzbd/admin/postproc2.sab
2016-09-11 12:06:51,970::INFO::[downloader:277] Post-processing finished, resuming download
Regards Magnus

Re: All downloads gets Aborted, cannot be completed

Posted: September 11th, 2016, 6:44 am
by shypike
Please email some example NZB files to [email protected]
(Please add the URL of this post.)