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Posting a question without being an "Established User"
Posted: January 28th, 2017, 3:48 am
by jackvrouwes
I am new here, and I was trying to post a question under "Debian/Ubuntu package." I received the following response "Only established users can post links" on submittal, and my question was not accepted. Nowhere in this forum can I find an explanation what that means, nor can I find guidance how to become an "established user." Can anyone help me post my original question?
Re: Posting a question without being an "Established User"
Posted: January 28th, 2017, 5:10 am
by safihre
Because we were being overrun with spam linking to external websites, we now require to have at least 5 posts before you can post a link.
Without the link you can post your message. Isn't that the case?
We should update that text probably!
Re: Posting a question without being an "Established User"
Posted: January 28th, 2017, 9:52 pm
by jackvrouwes
Sorry Safihre, I am still confused. How do I post without a link? Was the term "link" meant as a reference to a posting on another forum, other than this one? Yes, I provided such a reference inside the body of my posting to enhance clarity. I will try now to repost without such a link. Yes, some clarity of the response may help people.
Re: Posting a question without being an "Established User"
Posted: January 29th, 2017, 7:51 pm
by inpheaux
"Link" literally means "Link". You cannot include a URL of any form in your post. If you feel a link is absolutely necessary for your post to make sense, don't include a leading "http://", just list the domain.
Re: Posting a question without being an "Established User"
Posted: January 29th, 2017, 11:42 pm
by jackvrouwes
Thanks, I understand the issue now. I posted my original concern without the leading "http://" successfully. I suggest the text generated by the forum to "wrong" postings be reworded according to the previous comment by inpheaux.