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How high is "retries count"?

Posted: April 23rd, 2017, 7:28 am
by hlk123

I presume that SABnzbd has a default "retries count" during the reading of the data from the server.
SABnzbd retries the reading of "uncompleted blocks" but not forever.... right?
Can you tell me, how high is the number for "retries count"?
Thank you.

BTW ..... for my Usenet Reader I set the retries count to 30.
But for SABnzbd I don't have to set a retries count.

Re: How high is "retries count"?

Posted: April 23rd, 2017, 11:34 am
by safihre
If the server reports the article is missing, we don't retry at all. What's the point, if the article is not there at all?
Of the connection somehow breaks we do retry up to 3 times. This setting is under Config Switches.
But if it still doesn't work after 3 times, the server usually is pretty bad..