It's failing on posts that have files split into multiple chunks which get re-assembled by par2.
The file in the temp job folder is actually correctly re-assembled and checks out, but sab considers the job failed and never moves the completed file to the completed folder.
::ERROR::[postproc:498] Post Processing Failed forJobName
::INFO::[postproc:500] Traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "sabnzbd/postproc.pyc", line 333, in process_job
File "sabnzbd/postproc.pyc", line 608, in prepare_extraction_path
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'marker_file' referenced before assignment
2.2.0 Alpha 3 Regression on certain types of posts
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Re: 2.2.0 Alpha 3 Regression on certain types of posts
The same job in 2.2.0 Alpha 2 results in no such error and behaves normally.
Re: 2.2.0 Alpha 3 Regression on certain types of posts
Thanks for reporting, indeed a coding mistake! Will be fixed for the next Alpha.
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